16. The Battleground

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Hi! This chapter is only containing action sequences. Happy reading!

The next day they spent training together and when evening came, Yachio sat on the roof of their base to contemplate the energy inside her.

Yami came behind. He asked, "You didn't tell me anything about your conversation with Julius. Are you ignoring the fact that I'm your captain?"
"A captain who wants to tear out pages from his subordinate's grimoire?"
"Please don't change the topic.", he dragged a long smoke and said, "When are you going back to royal capital? I guess you are posted there."
"I'm not going anywhere till the attack is coming."
"Are you serious? You are staying to protect me?"
"Are you saying that the main goal of me being a magic knight, is a joke?"
"I never said that"
"You can tell me if it's bothering you that a younger girl is staying to protect you."
"You know I'm not egoistic. And you're an extraordinary magic knight so I don't have any problem with it, you know my mind is not capable of getting used to the change that someone is loving me or protecting me. It feels like dream. I asked you about that only. "
Yachio felt that his soul was broken. He was so tough outside but inside he was just a child whose childhood was ruined by this kingdom.
She asked," So, do you remember your parents?"
" Yeah, kinda. I see my mother in my dreams holding me in her arms. Nothing more."
"You should remember more, you told me you were there till you were 12."
"I think the magical effects of this country made me oblivious to most of the other important things. I don't know much. Yeah I just know they were fishers."
"Did you have a particular traditional house magic? Like my house magic was fate manipulation and moon magic. My mother told that every family in Hino has that."
"Yeah we had. Now I remember something. My mother was from a noble family. That describes the huge mana I have. You know right my mana is just somehow below of what Nozel has. So, she had something called mana restoration technique that let her use very less of her mana even in great spells. You know what? I can do that too. "
Yachio smiled. Yami looked sexy when he was open about himself. Then he said," I found my home in you. Not now, on the first day itself. "
Yachio felt something coiling inside her throat. She hugged him and let her teardrops fall on his shoulder.
" Why are you crying now? What happened?"
He couldn't finish his sentence when he saw a face, covering the light beams coming from the moon.
The guy was smiling.
They didn't feel his ki, as if he just appeared there from nowhere.
Yami and Yachio stood up with their grimoire and katana out.
The guy in black dress and golden crown was smiling gently. He said, "Hello! My name is Dante Zogratis. I'm from the Spade Kingdom. I'm the oldest sibling of the dark triad. I hope you are the arcane level mages."
What???? What just happened? The attack was supposed to be coming the next day.
"Mana zone: Dark maze"
Yachio was vanished from the sight. She appeared behind Dante and tried to strike him with her katana. He dodged it and Yachio appeared 20 meters far away.
Yami jumped off from the roof and Dante said, "Wait, why are you guys so angry on me? I just want to use your magic to open the key to underworld. Nothing more." He let out an evil smile and Yami started condensing his mana zone to a point, "Mana zone : Black moon".
Dante was surprised that Yami was guarded by a black moon and condensed mana around him.
"Gravity magic: Presence of the demon king."
Yachio fell on the ground with a large thud and Asta came running towards them.
"Go back you moron! We cannot lose you!"
Asta felt a familiar evil ki from the guy but it was by many scale larger than what he felt from Yachio long ago.
Before Yami could say anything, Dante continued, "Entertain me more, beautiful lady. I'll not use you to open the gates, I'll make you my woman."
Yami felt a sudden hotness inside his brain and he started charging him. "You made a grave mistake by making her bleed you half black face crown guy. Dark magic, dark cloaked, Iai slash."
He managed to hit Dante with his katana.
Dante stopped his attack for a moment and said, "More, more, more! I have waited for you Yami Sukehiro."
"Why are you behaving like you are getting fucked by me? Mana zone : Dark cloaked dimension slash: equinox"
A large sound and the ground was divided into two parts. It took Dante's left arm and half of his shoulder.
He regenerated quickly and started laughing. "Devil power : 80 percent".
"So are you telling me 80 percent of you is serious now?"
"I'll show you the power of devil host now."
Asta came running to his blind spot and before he could hit him, Dante started punching him with his bare hands.
Yami thought about Yachio even it wasn't convenient at that moment.
He sprang over kicking the air and landed a blow on his body only to find out that he vanished.
Yami suddenly thought about Yachio and looked back to find her, but she was nowhere, as well as Dante.
Asta and him stood there hopelessly and Yami said, "That girl is going to be killed by my hands if she tries to drag the opponent to her to save us."
He started running haphazardly to sense her ki and heard a sound of clashing rocks near the back side of their base.
They ran there to find Yachio standing, bleeding all over from her head to toe and Yami shouted," Are you an idiot?"
Yachio didn't reply back but flew above and said in her practiced shrill tone, "Mana zone: Dark magic carnage mode".

Dark Clover Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon