20. Homecoming

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This chapter includes violence, mentions of blood. Please avoid if you don't like

Yami's pov:

It was her. Yes, but at the same time, it wasn't her. I wasn't sure even if I get her back, will she ever be like before? I wasn't sure of anything, but my hand moved without my consent towards my katana.
The woman was laughing hysterically, with her naked body promoting her strong features.
She's a demon, no, Goddess of the demons. I could feel her malice.

My hand took out my katana. I could hear William shouting from behind, his arms were broken, maybe one of his legs too.

The woman formed a knife out of darkness and tried to throw at him, I grabbed it with my left hand and it started bleeding.
The woman bent down to me, and said in a shrill deep voice, "Do what you're told.",
I felt something ran inside my body and found my right hand bending to point the katana towards my chest.

The woman was clapping, and at that sight my whole life flashed before my eyes. I realised that we forgot to kill our own demon, while killing the others. I was so helpless, then I felt a familiar ki, no, three familiar presences and looked back to find Jack, Nozel and Fuegoleon standing in row.
I was trying to control my hand then Nozel yelled, "Mercury magic: Silver sphere of death."
"Nooooo! She's a deity!", before I could finish my words, the woman wrapped herself in darkness and waved her hand. Nozel collided with the side walls.
He gasped and between breathes he said, "She's damn strong."
Jack said, "I don't care who she is, I'll slice her up."
"No Jack, she's Yachio. Don't hurt that body.", as I said this, I felt my katana now touching my chest.

The three of them fought with their lives and after few minutes, I saw my hand isn't going further anymore, but it wasn't in my control either.
I was unable to think what should we do next.

We heard a thud, a very familiar thud. We looked back to find the old lady standing there with her sceptre glowing dark purple on its head. I remembered it's the same sceptre Yachio used in one of her forms. How did she get this? Her grimoire was destroyed. I had so many questions.

The old lady spoke softly, "Please, leave her body. Please leave this world. It's not yours. They'll not worship you, kamisama, please go back."

A few moments of silence and then the woman started saying some things that were unearthly, I only heard this kind of things from Dante 3 years ago.
Something woke inside me, I shouted in agony," Yachio! Can you hear me? Can you feel me? Save us Yachio, only you can save us! Wake up! I love you Yach! I love you! Wake up!"

She turned his face towards me and I felt my katana going slowly inside. I felt my tank top getting wet with my blood. The pain wasn't as much as seeing her like that.

The three of them were haphazardly attacking the woman, but none of them could hit her even once.
I stood up. My legs were trembling and with each step, I felt my katana cutting my flesh, going inside. With each step I took towards her, I felt one more presence now. I took a deep breath, and tried to feel Yachio's ki. It was faint, but it was there.
I went upto her until I felt my mouth getting filled with my own blood. I spat blood on the floor and reached her. I grabbed her shoulder and surprisingly, the woman stopped her attacks.

Narrator's pov:
Yami whispered in her ears, "Are you happy now?"
His katana was merely few inches away from his heart, Yami smiled and lifted his hand from his sword, "I came this far, and if you're there Yach, please tell me you love me, I'm going to die after some time."

The room was silent. They all could feel Yachio was fighting to get her body back. The woman was shouting in agony and shaking her head rapidly.

The amount of mana Kuragami sucked from Dante was inhumane. That barrier was stopping Yachio from coming back.

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