Prologue: Welcome to Sunnyvale

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(Ok I know I've been MIA for a while. Been super busy with my classes, plus I recently had a death in the family. My beloved grandmother has passed away and it's been very...emotional around here. I know I need to finish with a few books. Dusk 5, Stranger Things 2, and Hemlock Chronicles 3. I promise I'll get back on track soon. But wanted to slowly introduce to you guys to a new book. I have completed this book and was very iffy about publishing it on here. I hope some of you in here are big Trailer Park Boys fans like I am.  If I hear any positive comments, I'll continue posting the rest of the chapters.  If not, I'll remove it.   

WARNING ⚠: This book contains extreme foul languages, violence, drug/alcohol topics, smut and sexual content.  No one under 21 is allowed to view this book.  You have been warned.  Also, I have no rights to the Trailer Park Boys or Sunnyvale, I only hold rights to my own characters and settings.  Hope you'll enjoy my book and please don't forget to leave me comments and votes for my chapters. :) )

Another sunny day in Sunnyvale, birds chirping, kids playing, and Ricky's bare ass tire rim screeching as he drives through the park.  He grunts in anger as he slams on his brakes, causing an extremely loud and annoying sound as the rim grinds against the pavement and rock-covered road.  He sighs and watches the stupid camera crew follow him once again for an interview. 

"I'm 'exposed' to be rich right now. Do I look fucking rich?" He scoffs and gestures at his piece of shit car that he's been living in for years.  "I mean, this car is fucked and we eat shitty food." He shakes his head in disbelief as he scratches the back of his neck, thinking about what happened last year.  "I just don't understand.  We did this big job, like, almost a year ago.  Well, it's a year ago in a few weeks actually, and then," He rolls his eyes, "Julian, the big Almighty, decides he's gonna hide the money for a year." 

Earlier, the crew managed to get an interview with Julian about the 'big job' the boys did last year and wanted to know why he was hiding the money from his friends.  

Ice clinking softly in his glass, Julian stands on his deck as the tv crew films him.  He holds his usual drink in his hands, rum and coke.  

"You know, I know what I'm doing. I've watched movies like Casino or Goodfellas, you know, a bunch of Robert De Niro films, Heat.  You know, they do a big job, and then they sit on the money for a little while.  And that's the key, because you start flashing money around, right out of the gate, you're going back to jail." Julian explains to them. 

Back to Ricky, he scoffs loudly as he heard that interview, "Fuck Joey De Mirno, and all those movie dicks! I'm broke!" 

Julian sighs and places a hand on his hip, "It hasn't been easy for me either.  Every day, I gotta hide the money in a different spot.  I got Lahey watching me.  I'm trying not to get caught." 

Ricky sighs and leans on the broken car seat and begins to tell the TV crew about what's been going on with him since they last interviewed him. 

"Me and my Dad were living in the car together for a while." He looks over at the backseat, "He was sleeping up here, I was back there." He turns and looks out at the park and sighs, "And then it just got 'fucky'.  We were drinking way too much.  And partying way too much.  And we actually got in a bit of a fight.  He punched me in the face.  And I felt bad, but I had to kick him out.  So...I guess I never thought that he'd move back to the dump and start bootlegging again." 

Suddenly, loud honking was made behind the crew and they quickly point the camera at a moving truck that was honking at the kids to get out of their way.  Loud clattering was coming from Ricky's car and they turn to see him struggling to get out to glare at the truck passing them by.

"Who the fuck is this dickhead?" He scoffs.

Soon, he watches a motorcycle rev by, following the moving truck.  But with the dark helmet and tinted shade, he couldn't see who was the driver.  

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