Chapter 3: Still Love me in the Morning?

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*Another smutty scene!*

Julian sighs and snuggles deeper into his pillow as he begins to waken from his slumber.  He was having such a great dream.  He didn't want to wake up. He wanted to go back into his dreams and love Sky again.  But he opens his eyes and grimaces at the morning sun blare through the cracks of the blinds.  Shielding his eyes from the glare, he begins to remember what happened last night.  Sam stealing his car and making him and the boys lose all of their money to the cops.  He had to figure out a plan to get money rolling back in.  He clears his throat as he begins to face the morning before him.  He rolls over on the edge of the bed and rubs away the sleep from his eyes and face.  His back felt a little sore as he rotates it, making his muscles flex.  Not realizing his skin carried scratches and there was a bite mark on his shoulder.  

He sighs deeply and something catches his eyes.  He frowns as he sees a pair of black lace panties on the floor.  He leans down and picks them up.  Examing them.  Was it a dream or was it real?  Did he and Sky really bang last night? He looks around and realizes he wasn't in his trailer.  Last night, he was so baked, but he remembers he and Sky making out in the park and coming back to Sunnyvale.  But he was so baked, he thought it was just the high affecting him to thinking that Sky really wanted him.  

"Oh my fuck." He mutters and drops the panties on the floor.  He sees all of their clothes scattered everywhere.  He was in complete shock.  He actually had sex with Sky.  He couldn't believe it.  But it happened...and it was an amazing night.  But, suddenly, like a snap of a finger, he just realizes something.  He didn't see any condom packets.  He gets up quickly, the sheets falling off his naked body.  He looks down at his morning wood and sees that he didn't cover it last night.  Nor does he remember taking it off.  He doesn't even remember putting one on!

"Oh, fuck.  Fuck!" He whispers angrily.  Pissed with himself for being so stupid.  He didn't protect himself or Sky.  There had to be something he used. He looks all around the room, yanking the clothes off the floor, and the sheets off the bed, trying to find some sort of relief for his panic.  Not realizing Sky walking into the bedroom with a towel around her and her hair still wet from her shower.

Sky frowns as she watches a naked panicked Julian tear around the room as if he lost something that was greatly important, but when she hears him mutter to himself, she couldn't help but giggle silently. She watches his ass as he bends over to find the 'missing condom'. 

"Come on! Where is it?!  There's gotta be condom here.  Anything to prove I was wrapped last night.  Please!" He whispers furiously.

"Look in the nightstand."

Julian shouts in surprise and falls on the bed as he hears Sky from the door, "Hey." He plays it casually. 

Sending him an amused smile, "Hey." She laughs and moves to sit next to him, biting her lip at his morning wood.  "Go ahead, look." She says as she nods at the night stand next to the bed.  

Julian frowns but turns and opens the drawer, he pulls out a compact that was filled with pills.  He sighs in relief and drops the compact in the nightstand.

"Thank fuck." He covers his face.  

Sky giggles, "For a big strong man, you sure freak out easily." She reaches and strokes his wood.

Panting softly, Julian rubs his face and looks at her, cupping her face with a hand, "Just wanted to make sure I protected you last night.  I never lost control enough to forget about that one thing.  I'm clean though.  I promise." His breathing begins to pick up and he looks down at her hand, watching himself grow as she wraps her fingers around him.  

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