Chapter 5: Failed Operation

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*Chapter contains a mild smutty scene, hope you'll enjoy*

While Bubbles was scoring a job from Lahey, buying Julian time, Ricky came over to the trailer to visit Sky before he headed on to the Department of Corrections to get his Grade 12.  Ricky walks into the trailer and heads inside. 

"Hey, man.  How are you?" Ricky greets Julian with a bro-hug. 

"Hey, Rick.  What are you doing here? Thought you got your test today." Julian says, returning the hug.  

"Lucy wanted me to check on Sky before I head off.  How's she doing?" He asks as he watches Julian cook some food on his portable stove since his kitchen was basically the garage now.  Ricky reaches and gets food off the frying pan and munches on chicken finger and steals a fry off a rack.  

"Dude, that's Sky's." Julian glares at him and continues to cook, "Anyway, she's doing ok.  I'm keeping her on bedrest.  Making sure she get's no stress, none whatsoever." He states and grabs his glass to take a gulp.  

"Doesn't mean you have to bore me to death." Sky scoffs as she walks around Ricky to sit at the counter.

"Baby, I'm just making sure you're taken care of." Julian states.  

"I know, but I don't really want to be stuck in bed all day." Sky says. 

Julian turns and leans across the counter from her, "And that's a bad thing?" He grins, making her laugh as he kisses her lips softly.  

"Why don't you two just bang and get it over already?" Ricky scoffs as he chews on another fry.  

Sky rolls her eyes as the kiss breaks.  Julian gets up and returns to the stove.

"Anyway, let Lucy know that I'm ok.  Just being held against my will by a big dramatic ogre." Sky laughs at Julian's scoff and dodges his rag when he throws it at her.  She gets up and moves to hug Ricky tight.  "Kick ass on your test today, Ricky.  You can do this." She says and pulls away.  

"Thanks, Sky.  I'll definitely kick this test's ass.  I got this." Ricky grins and amps himself up with excitement 

"You got it.  Go get'em." Sky pumps a fist for him.

Ricky grins and turns to leave, "See you guys later tonight!" He calls out and speeds out of the trailer park with his tires screeching behind him.  

"I hope he's got this." Sky sighs and watches Julian turn with her food ready.  Chicken fingers and fries, and hands her a bowl of fruit.  "Thank you. This looks great." She smiles at him as he moves around to sit in a chair next to hers to join her for lunch. 

"You're the first woman I've cooked for." He says with a smile and kisses her softly, "And the only one." He kisses her again.  

Sky chuckles, "Hmm, might be more than one in 9 months." 

Julian smiles and places his hand on her stomach, "Might be a boy." He grins as he uses his thumb to stroke her belly

"We shall see." She sends him a teasing glare and pops a strawberry in her mouth. 


Wasn't long till Ricky finally arrives at the Department of Corrections. Ricky sticks his head out to great one of the guards he knew. 

"Hey, Chris! What's up, man!" He calls out. 

"What's up, Ricky?" Chris, the guard greets. 

"Can I park here?" Ricky asks as he pulls up near the entrance and parks his car.  He gets out, joint in his mouth and takes a few tokes before giving it to Chris. "Small tokes, man.  This stuff's fucking potent."

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