Chapter 8 : Tell Me A Lie, Julian

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The boys didn't think much of it and begin to leave with the money in tow...until Lahey calls out from the rooftop edge.

"Julian! I'm afraid, help me!"

All four of them look up, "Oh, my fuck!" Julian scoffs.

"Julian! I'm gonna jump, and it's all your fault!" Lahey shouts out as he stumbles over the edge.

"Jim! Keep calm!" Julian shouts, trying to make sure Lahey doesn't hurt himself.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Why do you always gotta follow us around, and keep fucking us around like this!?" Ricky shouts out to Lahey.

"I'm sexy, aren't I? I'm a lot more sexy than Randy, and you know that. Randy? Julian said he loved me. But he was lying, don't trust him. He was lying, and I'm flying!" Lahey shouts.

Randy and Bubbles were getting worried, they couldn't let Lahey jump and cause this ruckus. A crowd was beginning to show as people look up at the drunken jumper.

"Boys, what are we gonna do?"

"He's gonna fucking jump!"

Julian shakes his head, "He's not gonna jump." He scoffs and cups his mouth to call out to Lahey, "Jim! I do love you, but just as a friend!"

"Not enough, Julian! Not enough." Lahey shouts back, shaking his head.

"Guys...He's gonna jump." Randy says nervously, worried for Lahey to hurt himself.

"Good luck, buddies. Here's a little drinky-poo for you! Have a good life, shit weasel!" Lahey shouts as he spills some of his liquor.

"Julian, if he jumps, that's gonna be on your head." Bubbles states.

"He's not gonna jump. He's looking for attention. And we're millionaires now. We don't go up, and fucking save drunken lunatics--" Ricky scoffs and waves him off as he smiles big at the bag of money they had.

"Guys, guys! He's gonna jump!" Randy panics as he watches Lahey dangle his feet over the edge, scaring him to death.

Gritting his teeth, Julian didn't want to deal with this bullshit, but he couldn't let Lahey kill himself because of him. He couldn't live with that guilt. He turns towards Ricky and the boys. Handing Ricky the bag full of money but carries a wad of cash in his pocket. He could probably use it as bait for Lahey.

"I'm gonna go up, and talk to him. Wait in the van for 4 minutes. If I'm not back, head back to Sunnyvale. I'll meet you there." He says as he begins to head inside.

Ricky scoffs at him, "Are you fucking kidding me? You really are in love with him."

"I'm not...fucking in love with him." Julian grits his teeth and rushes inside.

"Get in the van. This is unbelievable." Ricky scoffs and glares at Randy, "I hope you're fucking happy about this. Get the fuck in the van. In the van."

Julian rushes towards the elevators and gets on one. He checks his watch and sees he only had a few minutes before the real security team gets here to make their withdrawal. He needs to think of a plan to get Lahey off that roof.

"Oh, god." Sky watches nervously as the camera crew follows Julian to the roof.

"Jim!"  Julian slowly walks towards Lahey, cautious with any sudden movements he makes.

Lahey turns, "Hi, Julian." He burps and hiccups, happy to see Julian, but mad and upset with his earlier words.  

"What are you doin'?" Julian asks. 

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