Chapter 1: Welcome Back Boys

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Sky was right on the money, Bubbles found Lahey and Randy's trailer with no trouble. There it was.  Bubbles stops the bike and lets Sky hop off so he could set up the bike stand.  He and Sky both pace up towards the door. Bubbles knocks on the door and finally hears Lahey's voice call out.

"Come in!" 

Bubbles lets sky go in first as he opens the screen door for her, "Mr. Lahey? Randy?"

Lahey and Randy both look at Bubbles in shock.  Lahey was giving Randy a haircut with hair clippers.  


"Hey, Bubbles! Hey, Sky." Randy greets them both. 

Lahey gives him a warm smile, "Hey, how do you like the new park? I hope Miss Winter has been showing you around."

"My cats, Mr. Lahey, where are they?" Bubbles demands. 

"Bubbles, I have no idea where your cats are." Lahey tries to calm him down, but they both see how agitated and angry he was. 

"Right? You have no idea what happened to my kitties?" Randy gets to his feet to push Bubbles back, protecting Lahey.

"Calm down. Bubbles." Randy says.

"Get your hands off me, Randy." Bubbles grits out and shoves him away. 

"You gotta calm down, okay?" 

"Don't fucking touch me."

"He wants his cats back, Mr. Lahey.  What happened to them? I know you did something, you two were always snooping around Julian's property and Bubble's shed." Sky says.

"Listen, Bubbles. Don't make me throw you out, Bubbles. There was a lot of people complaining." Lahey tries to calmly explain.



"Why did you board up the kitty door?"

"Listen, I think Animal Control took them away, Bubbles." Lahey states. 

Bubble's eyes widen in complete shock, "Animal Control? What do you mean Animal Control?" Bubbles complete freaks out and begins to fight Randy to get to Lahey.  Growling like a madman.

"Calm down!"

"Why didn't you call me? I could have taken care of the cats." Sky shouts and shoves Lahey.

Randy and Bubbles wrestle around the kitchen, knocking several things to the ground.  Food, groceries, onion rings, "Here, Randy! Want some fly paper? Snack on that, Randy!" Bubbles shouts as he grabs the sticky fly paper that hanged from the ceiling, wrapping it around Randy's face.

"I'll put you down, I swear!" Randy shouts and holds Bubbles in a lock, until Sky begins yanking his hair.  "Ow! Stop it, Sky!" 

"Let him go, Randy!" She shouts. 

"Bubbles...Miss Winter!" Lahey shouts as he tries to get her off of Randy and breaks up the fight.  

"Let me go, Randy!" Bubbles shouts. 

"Bubbles, you will calm down or I'll have to call the...Bubbles, that's it. I'm pinning you." Randy shouts and manages to shove Bubbles to the floor.  

Lahey picks Sky up and pushes her away from Randy.

"Get your hand off my tits, Lahey!" Sky wiggles out of his grip and slaps him.  

"Get off me, Randy!" 

"You need to calm down!"

"Lahey! Get those clippers away from me! The clippers are touching me! Get them away from me!" Bubbles shouts and shrieks in fear as he watches from the corner of his eyes that the hair clippers turned on during the fight and started moving towards his head, suddenly they click off, but Bubbles could feel them, "I think it's caught in my hair."

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