Chapter 7: The Attack of the Liquor

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Bubbles thought hard about his decision all night long and, even though Sky made some good points and it was nice for Julian to still help him out, but he has enough going on with his life already.  Success...Sky...and now he was getting married with a child on the way.  

"I hope someday, I can work with Julian again.  But right now, my kitties are on the line, and I can't take any more chances with that, till he gets his shit back together.  And Sky, if she asks, I'll help her out anyway I can.  For her, for the baby." Bubbles says as he rides his bike towards the last place he wanted to be.  Lahey's.  But surprisingly, Lahey wasn't home when he arrived.

When he did though, Bubbles' couldn't wasn't all the surprised when Lahey rolls up in his red convertible with boxes and boxes of hard liquor in tow.  

"Hey, Bubbles! What are you doing here?" Lahey slurs as he pulls up towards the trailer. 

Bubbles walks up to him in caution, "I came to accept that job offer." He grimaces as he watches Lahey stumble out of the car and grins at him. 

"Fantastic news.  The best news of the day. Snap of liquor?" He offers as he hands Bubbles a big bottle of hard liquor. 

Bubbles frowns as he takes the bottle and exams it, eyeing all the boxes that were in Lahey's car, "Is that all hard liquor?" He asks. 

"It's all liquor. It's all hard." Lahey smirks as he stumbles into the trailer with Bubbles following him.  

"Oh, my fuck..." He mutters in shock at the sight and starts to become worried if this was a good idea now that Lahey was back on the liquor. 

Bubbles sits at the kitchen table as he waits for Lahey, but when he comes back, he was confused to see Lahey carrying a big laundry basket full of dirty laundry.  Bubbles grimaces in disgust as Lahey places the basket on the table. 

"Glad you came to your senses, Bub." Lahey grins.

"Listen, Mr. Lahey.  This is only if I can get the first 6 months of my pay in advance. I'm sorry, but...those are my conditions." Bubbles states. 

Lahey downs more of the hard liquor and burps, "You drive a hard bargain, Bubbles. This is just between me and you:  Julian's gonna take the new trailer 'cause he has no choice." He grins with a knowing look. 

Bubbles didn't have time for his bullshit, he wanted to get started working so he can earn his money, "Look, do we have a deal or not? I need something in writing." He says strongly, not in the mood for games. 

"Absolutely, Bubs.  You're gonna have your paperwork in a minute, but...first, if you don't mind, I would appreciate if you would take care of these for me, please." Lahey says as he gets on the floor and begins to take off his underwear.  

Bubbles looks at him in complete confusion and disgust as he pinches the underwear off of Lahey's shoes when it got stuck, "What? I thought I was the garden manager!  Garden managers don't fucking wash old dirty pairs of underwear." He shudders in disgust as he drops the underwear on the table and Lahey gets to his feet, his junk free for the whole world to see. 

"You have many different varieties of jobs, Bubbles. Do you want it or not?" Lahey says, waiting for his answer.

Sighing in defeat, Bubbles had no choice, "Yes."

Lahey put Bubbles to work as soon as possible.  Outside, he begins to start up the green gator cart with a trailer attached to it.  Once he got use to the machinery and figured it out for himself.  Lahey comes busting through the screen door, breaking it into pieces as he stumbles out of the trailer.  

Trailer Park Boys: Blue Eyed Angel (Fan-Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن