Chapter 2: Bonding with Julian

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*WARNING! The following chapter contains scenes of smut.  No one under 18 is allowed. You have been warned.*

Sky paces her floor for possibly the hundredth time and has bitten her nails down to the bone.  She was worried to death about the boys, especially Julian.  They were her best friends and if anything happened to Julian before she could confess her feelings about him, she wasn't sure how she would be able to live on with her life.  She gasps as she hears the familiar scraping of metal and yanks her blinds back to see Ricky's car drive up.  

She rushes out of the trailer and paces towards the car as Bubbles gets out of the car.  

"Thank god!" She jumps and pulls Bubbles into a tight hug.  She lets go and turns towards Ricky, but sees he was pissed off.  "What happened?" She frowns and notices that Julian wasn't with them, "Where's Julian?" She asks worriedly.

"That fuck-head can kiss my ass!" Ricky shouts and drives off.

Sky turns, but sees Bubble sniffling and wiping his tears.  She begins to fear the worse.  "Julian?" She whimpers.

"No, he's ok, Sky. We left him.  He really messed up tonight. We had such big plans and he fucked it all up.  Cocksucker!" He stomps his foot in anger and walks into his shed to cry.  

Sky took a moment to realize that Julian was ok, but he was out there in the streets.  She rushes to get her keys and gets into the camper, not caring that she was still in her tank top and shorts.  She drives off and searches for Julian.   She drives till she reaches a scene of cop cars everywhere and watches a few collecting money that was scattered all over the streets.  She frowns, confused with what happened here?  Did Julian get arrested?

She drives off again and searches the streets, but soon, she sees a familiar figure walking towards a bus stop.  She drives off and pulls over to the side.  It took Julian a while to realize someone stopped next to him.  

"Hey, Mister, want a lift?" Sky teases.

Julian looks up and sighs, happy to see her.  This night has been incredibly shitty.  All he wanted to do right now was go home, get drunk and pass out.  

"You definitely saved me my last 2 bucks." He scoffs out a laugh.

"Oh, I charge for gas.  Don't think this is free." She smirks and laughs.  "You look like someone kicked your dog and ran him over." She says as she notices his sad, bitter face.  

"I really fucked up, Sky." He sighs out and sips his drink.  

"Hmm." She nods at him, "Get in."

Julian walks around and gets into the camper, sitting next to her.  But when she drives off, he notices her going away from the park. 

"Hey, this isn't the way home." He protests.

"I figure you should give the boys some space.  I saw how upset Bubbles was." She winces as she pulls into a park.  

"What are we doing here?" He frowns as she parks close to the entrance and gets out.  He follows her and watches her head towards the lookout and sits on a picnic bench.  


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