Chapter 4: Good Plan...on Paper

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*WARNING! Smutty scene alert!*

As night has fallen, Randy and Lahey took their time to relax and have dinner at home. Lahey was so excited as his hope for Julian to move to the park was building in his mind. Soon, he can get the sewer system up and running and people of the park can finally be happy at last.

"I think Julian...really likes that trailer." Lahey says with a big grin as he sits down at the kitchen table with Randy.

Randy scoffs as he begins to doubt it all, "He said he wasn't even going to move. He said he was stayin'." He says as he munches on onion rings.

"Yeah, but that was what he said, Randy, but he didn't mean that. Look, if you'd saw his body language. You should've seen him. I saw him! He was just doing..." Lahey points out as he imitates Julian's flexing.

"I...I saw it. He said he's staying." Randy says, still having doubt about it all.

"Randy... he's playing sexy hardball with us." Lahey laughs and holds up a waiting finger, "And when I mentioned about he and Sky living together, that was just the icing on the cake. With Sky here at the park, it's like having a sexy shit-trap for him and he's nibbling at the bait like a greedy, sexy shit-hawk. Trust me, Bo-Bandy. We hold the cards." He grins and begins to eye Randy's beer. "I think we should have a little drink to celebrate--" He reaches and grabs the beer, but Randy snatches it, holding it away from Lahey, but Lahey basically plays tug-a-war with the bottle with Randy. "Just a little sip of beer. One sip." He begs.

Randy frowns at him in disbelief, "You can't be serious."

"Yeah. Just one sip."

"This is real beer with alcohol in it." Randy scoffs at him, pointing out the facts. After 2 years of being sober, he couldn't believe Lahey was going to throw it all away.

"It's organic beer, Randy! Just one beer. Look, I'm never going back on the hard liquor. Just...Look. Celebratory sip." Lahey grunts as he pulls on the bottle, but Randy wouldn't let go.

"It's alcohol! It's..." Randy scoffs.

"Randy, it doesn't count. Beer and coolers don't count. Randy, my problem's with hard liquor. It's not with beer." Lahey tries to assure him, but Randy wasn't letting it go. "Look, the... Just let it go. Let it go." He begins to grit his teeth and gives Randy an annoyed look.

Randy scoffs and lets go, "It's just been a countdown to liquor day, hasn't it? Asshole..." He mutters and gets up to stomp off in anger. He was so disappointed in Lahey.

"One fucking sip is all I wanted." Lahey argues.

"You're a fucking alcoholic!" Randy shouts, "You're a prick...Down the toilet." He mutters.

"Liquor makes me think, Randy!" Lahey argues.

"'Liquor makes me think, Randy!'" Randy mocks and scoffs as he watches Lahey take a gulp of his beer. He shakes his head in disappointment and paces into a room, slamming the door.


At the same time, Julian, Ricky, T, and J-Rock took their cars out towards the bridge to begin their plan of getting some money rolling in for Bubbles. Which means, getting rid of Julian's car. As much as it pains Julian, he must do it. For Bubbles. And maybe with what was leftover, he could use it for the Shop. To give it some upgrade. He just had to get the plan in action.

Even though everyone was in on the plan, J-Roc didn't like the risks he was taking, "This is whack, dog." He argues as he helps T load up his station wagon with gasoline.

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