Epilogue: In the Jailhouse Now

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A few days have passed since that night at The Roadblock.  Julian, Ricky, Bubbles, Ray, including Cyrus, were all thrown back in jail for different reasons.  Cyrus has been charged of armed robbery and breaking probation for carrying a weapon, jailtime: 2 years. Ray was charged for bootlegging at the dump and selling it, jailtime: 2 years.  Bubbles was charged for bootlegging with Ray, jailtime: 2 years.  Ricky was charged with gun offense and bootlegging, jailtime: 2 years.  Julian was charged for attempted murder and carrying a dangerous weapon, including armed robbery. Jailtime: 2 years. 

After they were sentenced, they arrived at the jailhouse in time for recess.  Ricky was the first to spy the camera crew outside the fence.  He walks over to them as they were given permission to enter the courtyard.  

"I'm in here for gun offenses and common bootlegging, boys.  Nice.  Hope you're proud of yourself." Ricky scoffs at the camera in anger. 

Soon, they find Bubbles and begins to interview him, "I was busted for being Ray's liquor man down at the dump." He says as he walks with the crew with a shamed face, "My first bootlegging charge.  Common bootlegging." He adds air quotes, "Not proud of it. Thanks, Ray." He sends Ray a bitter look as he walks past him.  

The crew stops to interview Ray, "They busted me for liquor.  It's all I know how to do and they throw me in jail for being myself? It ain't right." He shakes his head at the unfair justice against him and sees Cyrus and Sam looking over to him. "What are you looking at Cyrus?"

"A bootlegger. And a stupid fucking one at that." Cyrus says and rubs the bandage over his head.

"Says the idiot who got his ass kicked by a girl." Ray chuckles.

Ricky moves to grab the camera to send a message out to Lahey, "Guess what? When I get out, you're gonna fucking pay.  You're gonna fucking pay, Lahey!" 

Suddenly, Cyrus shoves him out of the way and gets in the camera's face when he and Sam hears Lahey's name.

"Yeah! You're are gonna fucking pay, Lahey, like I was saying." Cyrus grits his teeth. 

"Yeah, fucking wait, man." Sam says as he shares a glare with Cyrus, both hating Lahey the same. 


Ricky comes in between them, "I got this, all right? I'm dealing with Lahey and Randy, not you guys.  It's our fucking camera crew." He says as a crowd begins to form, thinking a fight was going to break out and Bubbles comes to pull Ricky away. 

"Boys, chill out or we're gonna get thrown in the hole." Bubbles warns.

"Go have a fucking shower, Sam.  You stink!" Ricky shouts as the cops break them apart.

"People take too many showers, Ricky." 

The camera crew finds Julian using a cinderblock as a dumbbell, lifting the weight to work out on his biceps, "Oh, yeah.  I'd say Lahey's sweating now." He pants as he uses the anger inside him to push himself to lift the weight.  "Hope you're ready...because the countdown is on, Lahey, and I'm coming for you, buddy." He gives the camera a crazy look in his eyes.  "Motherfucker." 

"Julian.  You got a visitor." A guard says as he walks up towards him.  

Julian grunts as he lets go of the block to follow him to the visitor's center which was a big room with separate tables that were welded to the floor along with the chairs in different areas of the room and a guard stood near the table where visitors sat with inmates. 


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