Chapter 6: I Wanna Rob the Bank

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Meanwhile, with Lahey back on the liquor, he decides to go on a spending binge for more.  Fuck beer and wine coolers, he needed the hard liquor.  Dealing with Ricky, Randy, and Julian was getting to him and he was in dire need of some sort of support to help him get through the hardships of his life.  He missed how everything was better when he was on the liquor.  So, dipping into his and Randy's savings, he bought boxes and boxes of liquor.  Backing up his red convertible, Lahey parks his liquor filled car into the driveway and begins to unload them all into the house.  

Mumbling drunkenly, Lahey knocks all the food they had in the fridge to make room for all the liquor he bought.  

Randy hears the rattling and crashing coming from the kitchen and when he walks into it, he was appalled by the sight.  

"What about our food?" Randy scoffs. 

"Randy, I decided to lay off the food for a bit, and go on booze. You were right. The beer was clouding my judgement.  I made a decision. I need this to help me get through, Randy." Lahey says. 

Shaking his head in disappointment, "You had to have one drink of beer, didn't you?"

"You don't understand! The liquor's calling the shots now, Randy." Lahey says. 

Randy storms away and begins to pack up his backpack.  When he walks out of the house, he hears Lahey calling out to him. 

"Hey, Randy? Where are you going, bud?" Lahey asks. 

Randy looks at the car, seeing all the liquor boxes. He turns back to face Lahey, "Mr. Lahey, where did you get all the money for the liquor?"

Lahey holds a liquor bottle in his hands and sits on the steps of the deck, "Randy, to be perfectly honest: I had to dip into the Cuba fund. I need the hard liquor to help me make it through this." He says, trying to make Randy see from his point of view, but this was the last straw for him. 

"I'm leaving you, Mr. Lahey." Randy states. 

Lahey scoffs, "Maybe it's for the best, Randy. Maybe I need to drink this out alone, bud." He says, calling his bluff, but he begins to watch Randy walk away, not even sparing him a glance back.  Lahey gets up from where he sat, following Randy, "Randy...Randy... Randy! You can't make it without me, bud!" He calls, but Randy was gone.  "You'll be back." 

Lahey hoped he will come back.  His heart begins to break at every step he took to sit back down on the deck.  

Randy was officially free from Lahey...and it really hurt.  He loved Mr. Lahey so much and cared about him, but if he was going to continue his drinking again...he didn't want to watch him destroy himself again.  

Lahey sighs as he takes a huge gulp of the liquor and exhales roughly as he exams the bottle, "Just me and the liquor now." He accepts the heartbreak, and the healing of the liquor.  


That night, Julian called up the boys and decided to drop the plan in their heads about his idea with the bank.  Sky dresses up in her blue jean shorts and strapless black shirt and black Chuck Taylors.  Julian takes her hand in his as they walk towards the restaurant.  After ordering their meals...and drinks, Bubbles knew something fishy was going on with the two of them.  

"Julian, I know what you're trying to do here.  I know you're trying to get me drunk.  So, what's the big announcement?  Let's just get it out." Bubbles states, tired of all the secrecy.  

Julian continues to hold Sky's hand, in support and comfort as he faces his boys.  Ricky was sniffing the drinks and taking gulps as he waits for the big news.  

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