Chapter 5: Getting Dirty and Drunk

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After Julian left Sky's, he picked up the flyers from his deck where Bubbles left them. He looks over them and makes a pleased grunt. He knew Sky would approve them so he immediately calls Jacob and puts him to work to start putting flyers everywhere. He watches Jacob staple flyers on poles, pleased with him.

"Good job." Julian says and gives him a bro hug, but Jacob hugs him too long as he wraps his other arm around Julian. Julian pushes him off, "Hugging too long." He holds up a finger, reminding him that mistake, "Remember we talked about that?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Jacob apologizes and moves to grab his drink, imitating Julian as his drinks.

Julian gets into his car, ignoring the scene of Lahey drunk in his yard, pissing in the bushes. With Julian and Jacob spreading the word of the dance and Sky preparing the bar with the liquors, Bubbles and Ricky were at the dump, helping Ray.

"So, you were talking to Randy and everything's cool with this?" Bubbles asks Ricky as Ricky was using two spatulas for his hash. "I don't believe that." Bubbles found it hard to believe that things were cool between Randy and Ricky for tonight.

"Bubbles, Randy doesn't have a fucking clue what's coming." Ricky assures him.

Still, Bubbles felt uncomfortable and unsure. He didn't want anything to go wrong and risk them being thrown in jail again, especially getting Sky into trouble. He knew Rufus would never forgive either of them if anything happened to his daughter or his bar.

"Bubbs? Bring me a towel would you, bud?" Ray calls out from the big bin he was using as a bathtub, still dressed in clothes.

"A towel?" Bubbles frowns and looks around him for a towel. He finds a dirty torn towel and hands it to Ray, "Yeah, here's one."

"God!" Ray groans, "Ah, thanks buddy." He takes the towel, but winches in pain as he gently touches his sore neck, "Oh, fuck."

"What happened to your neck, Ray?" Bubbles asks in concern as he sees the red scratches and wounds on the back of his neck.

Using the towel, Ray wipes away the soap from his eyes as his hair was coated with shampoo, "Oh, fucking gulls were biting like crazy, Bubbs."

"Gulls are biting?" Bubbles asks, frowning in confusion and concern.

Ray looks at him as he points up, "Seagulls."

"Seagulls are nipping at ya?" Bubbles frowns.

"Yeah, I got bit twice yesterday by one fucker." Ray says as the gulls above them squawk loudly.

Grimacing at how painful that must be, "My god, that's greasy." Bubbles says.

"Sometimes life is greasy, Bubbles." Ray states and ducks into the water.

Ricky gets up, still holding the spatulas that smoked heavily, "Your toke, Dad."

"He's underwater, Ricky." Bubbles says as he points.

Ricky holds the spatulas close to Bubbles, "Here, Bubbs."

Bubbles holds his hands up in protest, "Look, I'm too baked. You do it."

Ricky happily sucks in the smoke, "You must be looking forward to this singles dance, being a single kind of a man and stuff."

Bubbles sighs, "I am, but I'm not making bologna sandwiches for hundreds of people." He shakes his head, even though he promised Sky, it still bothered him that he was in charge of food. When he learned it was for more than he was counting on, he protested.

Ricky places a supporting hand on his shoulder, "Come on, you gotta get into this. Randy and Lahey, they're wrapped around our finger. Pre-emptive strike. It was your idea. And you promised, Sky. Don't forget that."

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