Chapter 4: Julian's Plan

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*warning! Smutty scene in this chapter. You know the drill*

Julian and Randy drove off towards J-Roc to ask him to DJ the dance.  Since he and Julian were buddies, he knew he could work out a deal.  Julian drove the DeLorean towards J-Roc's house and sees him outside drinking with his crew.  

"Ray, fuck!" One exclaims at how great Ray's Liquor was.  

J-Roc and his boys laugh at Julian's ride, they couldn't believe he bought that type of car.

"Oh, my Christ! Know what I'm sayin'?" J-Roc exclaims as he watches Randy and Julian get out of the car.  "Talkin' about Battlestar Go-lactica Onion Ring Flux-Capacitor." He walks over to get in Randy's face. 

"Yeah, it's Back to the Slim-Fast." His friend T jokes, making everyone laugh and gives J-Roc bro-shake.

"Funny! Funny!" Randy says sarcastically, not in the mood with their teasing.  "How would you and your wacky dogs like to DJ a dance?" 

J-Roc and his crew look at Randy in disbelief at what he just called them, "'Wacky dogs', man?  He ain't talking to us, man." T scoffs.

"Julian, why you even rolling with that deep-fried hairy bitch?" J-Roc scoffs and gets in Randy's face to challenge him, "Go on, say something!" 

"Chill, Jamie." Randy says, not realizing what a mistake it was to call J-Roc by his real name.

J-Roc turns away in disgust as his crew groan at the mistake, "Oh, hell, no."

"He called you by your government name, man." T states, knowing his boy hated that name greatly.  

J-Roc takes a hard gulp of Ray's liquor and walks over to get in Randy's face till their noses were touching, "I know for a fact your didn't just call me Jamie, 'less you want to get a slap up in your mouth, biiiitch!" 

"Back off!" Randy yells and shoves J-Roc away, starting a large fight with him and his crew, but before things could get bad, Julian comes and breaks it up. 

"Boys, would you guys chill out? Listen!" Julian shouts as he stands between Randy and J-Roc.  He turns to face J-Roc and his crew, "I got 100 up front, 40 bucks now." He says as he holds up the cash in front of him.

J-Roc sighs, trying to push away the anger, "A'ight." He says, taking the money.

"The dance will be at Sky Winter's Bar, the Roadhouse.  Mr. Lahey's promoting it as a county dirty dancing,  so you guys gotta play some country music." Randy says as he gets back into the car.

"It's this Saturday, boys.  10 o'clock." Julian adds and moves towards the diver's side. 

"You better fucking go on, Marty McGravy!" J-Roc glares at Randy, hearing his boys laugh at his jokes, "1.21 jigga-guts! Sayin'?" He takes a hard gulp of his liquor.

"That's a good one, man." T laughs. 

"Marty McLarge Fries. Peace!" J-Rock shouts and gives Randy a peace sign as he watches them drive off. 


Ricky didn't feel like driving his car to the dump, so he spies the cream colored Chrysler with the keys still in the ignition.  He gets into the driver's seat and starts it up.  It still ran, even though it was busted up,  it was still better than his crappy car.  And he had an idea.  Instead of driving his dad around, he should have his own car.  

So, driving through the dump with the Chrysler, he tears through all the junk around him and stops to give his father a big smile, showing off the car. 

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