Epilouge part 3

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To my parents
Dear Dad,
I remember how horrible you were to me. I was raised in an angry environment and I swore that my children with never grow up that way.

I hope that happens. I also remember that day I received the letter from the NYPD that you had died in prison 4 years ago. I didn't even cry but I didn't ever believe, not even for one second, that you deserved to die.

You hated me but I loved you.

Your daughter,

Dear mom,
You died in childbirth, that's what dad said. He's right though, I looked. He told me that your name was Rose and that I looked just like you. That's why he abused me. He was hurt from you leaving him to raise a child alone.

I'm doing that to Ryan though, I just hope he handles it differently.

I'm coming home Mom. You can finally your baby girl.

Your daughter,
Adam and Rose Michaels will never read these words written by their only child, Charlotte. They both are dead but Charlotte felt the need to write to them to let them know, she's coming home.

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