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Charlotte's POV
I woke up and sat up really slowly. I was so tired.

I climbed down and fed Brax. I grabbed a granola bar and ate it while watching TV. I was watching Disney Junior because nothing good was on.

Tori walked in. She climbed up and threw herself onto my bed.

"Good morning" I said sarcastically. "Shhh, I'm trying to sleep."

She laid her head in my lap and closed her eyes. I laughed and sat back.

"Ugh, I have class." She sat up groaning. "Me too" Tori went to climb down.

"Just to warn you, its getting colder now, dress warmer." I nod and watch her walk away.

I sit on my bed for another 10 minutes before managing to gather enough will power to get ready.

I step into the closet and grab black leggings and a grey sweater. It slip on my black combat boots and head to the bathroom. I curl my hair then put it into a high ponytail. I grab my bag and head out.

I drive to the dance building and head towards the cafe. I grab some coffee and go to sit down. I pull out my phone and text Tori while I drink my coffee. I finish my coffee and go to throw away my coffee.

I look out towards the lobby of the building and see a big crowd of people. I can barely see two heads peeking out above the rest.

"You should've seen her. She was happy with me. Charlotte hates you, she wants to be with me." Louis.

I push through the crowd and they depart, knowing who I am. I get to the front just in time to see the second figure swing a punch at Louis.

It's Harry.

Louis stumbles backwards before regaining his balance. He moves closer to Harry, his fist pulled back ready to swing.

I run in between the two boys just as Louis swings his fist. I'm met with a fist straight in my cheek.

He punches me about 7 time before realizing, I'm not Harry.

I'm on the floor holding my cheek. I let the tears escape. "Charlotte!" Harry kneels down to grab me.

Louis backs away panicked. "I didn't mean to, Charlie I didn't mean to hit you." I shoot him a death glare.

"You lost the right to call me Charlie. You lost the right to call me anything." His eyes tear up.

"You don't mean that." I attempt to stand up but I fall back to the floor.

"Shit, it's bruising." Harry grabs my face and turns my cheek towards him.

"I'll be fine." I stand up, wobbly at first but I manage fine. I walk away from them both and head to the door of the class.

I can't help but itch my hand.

Harry follows me and moves to stand in front of me. I turn away from him.

"What did I do? Why are you mad at me?" I shoot him a death glare too.

"You punched him. You started this mess." His eyes grow dark.

"I did not! He started it. He was saying all these things and..." I cut him off.

"That' not an excuse to hit him." I scream at him.

The door opens and John comes out. "What happened here?" He stops when he notices my cheek.

"Lottie, are you ok?" I nod my head, obviously lying and I know he can tell that. "What happened?"

I point at Louis. He's standing there with fear in his eyes. "Louis Tomlinson get over here!" John's voice booms with authority.

"Tell me what happened, NOW!" Louis explains what happened but starts where Harry hit him, not where it actually started.

"Harry, is this true?" Harry nods his head," But there was stuff before I hit him. He was taunting me and shoving me backwards." John turns to Louis.

"Mr. Tomlinson, I want you to go to your dorm. You are not to come to any classes for 2 weeks." Louis balls his fist and stomps off.

I itch my hand.

"You two," he points at Harry and I "get inside. And the rest of you, follow them." We all walk in and I look at the mirrored wall.

I get my first glimpse at the bruise on my cheek. It's covered up my whole cheek, already changing color. I gasp at it, I haven't had a bruise this bad since... my dad.

I itch my hand again.

We start class and act like everything is normal, except for the occasional stares at my forming bruise.

After class, I walk out fast. I ignore Harry's attempts to slow me and I just keep walking.

I drive to the dorms and throw my stuff onto the floor of my room.

I lock myself in the bathroom. They'll be counting 42 more next time they come.

Tori bangs on the door after hearing my scream of pain when I make the first one.

"Lottie, let me in. Charlotte, PLEASE!" Her voice cracks at the end and I hear her slump down the door.

I put my back against the door and let the blood run down my wrist.

I cry and eventually, fall asleep on the floor that is starting to cover in blood.

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