Chap. 2

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*Dorm room above. Size proportions are off. The bathroom and closer are smaller but you can get the idea.*

Charlotte's POV
I fell asleep for a while. I kept dreaming about him. I kept seeing his satanic smile every time something good would finally happen.

The images kept flashing by, like I was watching a slideshow of everything terrible throughout my life. I woke up in a panic.

I jerked up so fast I could hear Bella's quick intake of breath telling me that I had scared her. "Hun, what's wrong?" She asks sweetly, not trying to make me answer.

"It was just a nightmare." I respond quickly and simply, not wanting to elaborate any more than that.

Her kind smile drops a little as if she was hoping I would tell her what the dream was. Fortunately, she stops talking about the subject.

"You might want to go to sleep, we again. We have 6 more hours on this flight." Bella tells me. I nod in appreciation and roll over so she can only see the back of my head.

I try to fall asleep listening to her sing lullabies to Maryse. I can't fall asleep. Every time I get close to it, that smile that I've seen my whole life comes up again. Eventually, I manage to fall asleep.

Bella's POV
Charlotte woke up so suddenly after being asleep so long I can't say I wasn't startled.

I see her with a big frown on her face and terror in her eyes. Not wanting to be forceful, I ask her what is wrong gently.

She responds simply, hinting to me silently that that will be as much as she will tell me. I tell her to go back to asleep and she rolls over.

She thinks that by turning her head away from me, I won't be able to tell that she is still awake but I think she forgets the fact that I am a mother.

I know all these tricks.

I start to sing lullabies to Maryse, partly for my child but even more so to help Charlotte.

Charlotte's POV
I wake up to Bella starting to move around. She tells me that we are planning to land in 10 minutes.

She starts to gather all of her carry-ons as I do too. Within 10 minutes, we have landed.

Seeing as Bella and I will both be going to the same place, we decide to get a cab for the 4 of us. We arrive at the campus in around 15-20 minutes.

We grab our luggages and go to recieve our schedules and dorm rooms. I glance quickly at ny schedule.

I have a class about the human body and a class on how to care for your body. With all these dance classes every night and having Saturdays booked up, I don't think Bella and I will get much interaction.

Once Bella looks up from reading her schedule, we switch to compare. Bella will be taking the class on how to care for your body with me but has another class that I won't take.

Bella came here because she had a passion for acting. She has acting classes every day and her Saturdays are packed too. Sundays will definently be very lazy.

We also take the chance to look at dorm numbers. She has dorm 3 and I have 4A. We will be right across from each other.

Bella doesn't have a roommate because she has Ryan and Maryse living with her. I won't have a roommate either but someone will be connected to me.

We walk to our dorms. We say a goodbye as we open the doors and go our separate ways.

I open the door and see a pretty normal dorm. The difference is it has only one bed. They have a stress disorder and I have persistent depressive disorder. (A/N look it up, it is a real disorder)

They'll have 4B. I take a look at the room. When you first walk in, you see a mini fridge with a microwave on top.

If you go farther in you see my bed. My bed is sitting high up with a desk space underneath. The desk has a Mac desktop and a MacBook Pro.

I can't believe they gave me that.

Across from my bed is a huge TV. I look and see that it has an Apple TV connected to it. The TV is right in my line of sight from sitting in my bed. YES!

I look at the desk and see a piece of paper and a sticky note. The piece of paper explains what clothes I'll need for each class and the sticky note explains that I can have a puppy.

The puppy is proven to help with our disorders. (A/N I watched a lot of dorm room tours in YouTube and saw one where a girl literally got her own puppy because of a stress disorder so I'm not making that up)

The closet is hidden behind doors. I open the doors to start unpacking and gasp. I can't believe my eyes. There are already so many clothes and shoes. On the wall to my left is dance clothes. On a shelf above that is a bunch of dance bags. The wall to my right is full of clothes for fall and winter. Underneath that is 3 bins. I pull each of them out. The first one is full of boots. The second has heels and flats. The third has sneakers and other normal shoes. On the wall straight ahead is clothes for summer and some very pretty dresses. Underneath are two more bins. The first has dance shoes and the second is bikini sets, bras, and underwear. One top of that is are 2 boxes, one full of jewelry and the other packed with makeup.

I unpack my clothes and step out into my room. I can't believe I get all this. The college, when they found out about my situation, offered me a chance to let them furnish my room but I didn't think it would be this good.

I lay down on the bed and get ready to sleep but I am interrupted when I hear the door next door open and shut.
I know that you don't really get all this stuff when you move into college. Charlotte has had so many hardships in her life that I feel something awesome needs to happen to her. Some of you might get annoyed that these things are kind of unbelievable and would never happen but that is why it is fiction. I want my characters to have something good happen because that only makes the drama better.
Thanks for reading. <3

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