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*Harry Styles above or on the side*
Harry's POV
I walk into the dance building. Seeing as I didn't have breakfast this morning, I decide to go to the cafe. I go through the line. I get some bacon. I scan the sitting area for a place to sit. My eyes land on a girl sitting alone. Damn, she's pretty. I choose a table close to her's. I sit and begin eating. I can't keep my eyes off of her.

Charlotte's POV
I finished my muffin so now I'm just sitting here like a loser. I keep glancing at the clock.

Our class starts in 3 minutes. I grab my bag and walk towards the door to the dance studio.

Several other people are already there. In the corner, I see a boy, he's looking straight at me.

He has a head full of curly brown hair. His eyes are an emerald color. I feel like they're staring into my soul. I look away as soon as our eyes connected.

I look at the door right as it opens. A man about 30 opens the door, ushering us in.

We all gather into the room and he stands in the front. "Sit on the floor. My name is John. I'll be your instructor. You will call me John, nothing else. Your bags will go along this wall," he points to a wall on our left side underneath a large window.

"I'm going to call attendance. Respond only with here, don't get smart. I'll only call last names."

I wait patiently for him to call my name. "Michaels." He says. I respond with a quick "here" and then look around the studio.

2 of the 4 walls have barres. The room is huge so there are portable barres along the back wall to pull out. There is a wall completely covered in a mirror. In the corner, there is a sound system.

"Styles." John says. "Here" says a deep voice. I turn my head, it's the boy who was staring at me earlier.

He sees me looking at him and sends me a wink. I turn my head away quickly.

"Ok, go put your bags against the wall and then come back to where you were."

We all move quickly putting our bags up. "Okay, on the first day I like to get to know you all. I'm going to point at you and you're going to say your full name, where you lived before you came here, and the highest title you've won if you did competitions."

I sit and listen to everyone and finally he points at me. "Your turn." He smiles at me.

"I'm Charlotte Michaels. Call me Lottie though. I came from California and I won Ms. World Dance twice." I respond quickly.

"Nice to meet you, Lottie. That's quite impressive." He responds almost the same way Niall did earlier.

I sit and finally he reaches that kid. "I'm Harry Styles. I'm originally from England but I moved to Florida at 4 and lived there since, I've won 18 national titles."

The kid, Harry, responds with so much confidence that I'm a little confused. "Nice to meet you, Harry.Also quite impressive" John says.

He doesn't quit stress the name like he did for me but I guess it's because mine is a nickname.

"Now that we've all been introduced, we have another thing to do. I hope you are all stretched. That will be a requirement for my class, always stretch before you come. All of your other classes with me start later in the day from now on so you'll be fine. I'll give some time today to stretch though." John walks over to the sound system and plugs in his phone.

Explosions by Ellie Goulding comes blasting through the speakers. God, I love this song.

"Start stretching." John yells at us. I see that Harry kid stand up and walk towards me.

Alone *Harry Styles AU*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon