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Charlotte's POV
All I can hear is my scream as I take in the scene in front of me.

"Excuse me but there will be no baby making today!" I scream at the bodies laying on the bed.

Might I add that they are both naked and staring at me in panic.

Tori speaks first. "Oops?" She speaks softly. "Oops? I walk in on the baby making process and all you can say is oops? We have a class in 45 minutes, we don't have time for this." Niall just sits there, clearly shocked by the interaction between Tori and I.

Tori wraps herself in a blanket and hops off the bed. She shoves me out of the door and I hear her speaking to Niall saying that he needs to leave.

I go into my room to get dressed. I have to go to some stupid class about how to take care of your body. I know how to take care of my body, I just don't choose to show that knowledge.

I slip on plain black leggings and a disney sweatshirt. It has a scene from the little mermaid on it. I put on my all black vans. I go into the bathroom.

I curl my hair and put on my normal makeup. I grab my backpack after seeing that we only have 15 minutes.

I slip in my laptop and a notebook into my big pocket. I put my phone, wallet, keys, a pen, and a highlighter just in case.

I walk into Tori's room, remembering to knock first this time. I see her dressed and ready to go. As we step out of her dorm, I see Bella walking out of her dorm. "Where are you ladies headed now?" She asks politely.

"We have to go to a class." She smiles at us. "Me too." Tori glances at her watch. "We better hurry or we'll be late." We all hurry to our cars and drive to the class.

We find three seats and surprisingly, they are all next to each other. We set our stuff down and wait for the teacher.

"How was class earlier, Lottie?" Tori asks. I sigh and respond with a simple "horrible." She looks at me. "Was it Harry?" I nod. "How did you guess?"

She shrugs and Bella leans in. "Who's Harry?" Tori and I explain Harry to her and the situation.

I ended up telling them everything that happened before, during, and after the class. Just as I finish, the teacher walks in. The teacher is a man who has to be at least in his 40's.

"We'll be taking notes today." He says.

I hear the rustling of papers and see several notebooks and laptops pulled out around the class. I look to my side and see Tori with her laptop so I decide to pull mine out too.

I start it up and pull up notes. The teacher begins to talk and I try to pay attention.

After a few minutes, I feel something hit my back. I turn quickly and see a crumbled up piece of paper.

I unfold it and see neat handwriting printed across the paper. It reads "I need to see you after class." I look up and see Harry looking back down at me.

I nod my head, confirming that I'll talk to him and turn around. I continue taking my notes and finally the teacher dismisses us.

I wait for Harry outside the door and then he steps out. "Charlotte," he starts. I cut him off. "What do you want? I'm very busy." He looks at me surprised then I see his eyes grow darker.

"Look, I wanted to apologize but I don't think you deserve it." I scuff at him but I begin to feel weighted.

I drop my eyes to the ground feeling tears. What is wrong with you Charlotte? I feel the itch at the back of my hand that comes when my depression decides to show up.

I feel the tears form in my eyes. Damn it.

I glance up at his eyes. They look so cold. "Well then, goodbye."

My voice quivers at the end and I see his anger begin to fade. "I didn't mean to..." He is cut off by the fact that I have stormed off.

I walk to the door of the building without so much as a glance backwards at him. I step out the doors and see a familiar face.

"Louis!" I call out at him. He turns and smiles at me. "Hey Charlie. I was hoping to see you. I was wondering if you wanted to come somewhere with me?" I nod and he grabs my hand.

I smile at him and he leads me to his car. I turn around and see Harry standing there, his hands curled into fists. I laugh internally but again my itch is back.

I step into Louis's car and he drives away. I look up when we park and see that we are at the dance building.

He comes around and opens my door for me. He leads me to a studio that is much smaller than the one that we have classes in.

"Did you know that you can rent studios?" I shake my head. "Well, now you know. Would you like to dance?" He plugs in his phone and I hear our duet song from a long time ago play.

This duet was from the year I was first diagnosed with depression. The story was that Louis was my childhood friend and when I lost touch with reality, he brought me back.

We were 9 when this duet was first performed. Everyone had tears at the end, even people who didn't know us.

We were constantly being congratulated on our performance afterwards.

We took home first overall and a special award.

Louis and I danced the duet again for the first time in 9 years. I remember after the first competition I came off the stage crying.

He walked right up to me and hugged me. We sat there for a few minutes before we were brought back into the dressing rooms.

Louis and I did a duet every year after that and it was always pretty much the same story. I think back and realize that the story and real life wasn't that different at all.

Louis's POV
I love her.

I loved her since that moment after this duet was ever performed and I hugged her for the first time but I could never tell her that.

I hope if I keep doing things like this, she'll begin to feel the same way.

Charlotte's POV
Louis takes me to get my truck and I hug him goodbye.

I drive off to the dorms. I unlock the door and see Tori on the floor looking at me.

"Where were you?" She scolds me like a mother would. Great job, Charlotte, way to make yourself happier.

"What if you were kidnapped? Huh? How would I know?" I giggle at her. "Now you are giggling? Great just great Lottie." She stomps off into her room.

Brax runs up to me. I pick him up and grab a microwave popcorn. While it cooks, I feed Brax and take off my makeup.

I brush through my hair and put on pajamas. I grab the popcorn once it is done and climb into my bed.

Brax comes up with me. I turn on the TV and stay that way for about 2-3 hours.

I yawn finally and turn off the TV. I put Brax onto the floor and tell him to go to bed.

I climb into bed after throwing away the empty popcorn bag and I fall asleep.

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