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Charlotte's POV
I wake up to my phone going off, the normal routine.

I grab a granola bar and eat it while I wake up more. I change into my normal dance clothes and go into the bathroom.

I clean my face and put in my normal, simple makeup. I straighten my hair so it is easier to work with and then I put it in a high ponytail. I then wrap it around into a bun and bobby pin it.

I walk back into my room and pack up my dance bag. I put on my dance clothes and a sweatshirt on top of them. I put on some socks and my black keds.

I play with Brax for a few minutes before leaving. I say bye to Tori and walk to my car.

I drive to the dance buildings and go and wait outside the door.

At exactly 1:30, John lets us in.

"Today, you will finally be dancing. I will be assigning you a partner and a song and you will improv in front of the class. You will have time to choose a starting position and the story you want to follow."

I wait for my partner to be assigned to me. "Lottie, you'll be partnered with Harry. Your song will be Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. I know you'll both do very well."

Harry comes to sit next to me and we begin to talk. I'm hesitant at first but his expression is so welcoming.

We choose a story line to follow. We are both two random people that meet and fall in love. We chose that because we both work well with serious storylines like love and other things.

For the starting position, we are on the floor with our legs bent, our knees towards the ceiling. Our backs are touching and my head is resting in his shoulder. His head is looking towards his lap.

We are the last group to be called up. We walk to the front of the class and get in the starting position. The music begins to play and I put my head on my knees as Harry stands up.

After about 5 counts, I stand up too. The dance is perfect. We blended so well together. Every move I made, he followed and knew exactly what to do. That went the same for his moves.

At the end our left hands are intertwined. our foreheads are touching and we stare into each other's eyes. I feel the nervousness build inside of me from being so close to him. We break away and walk back to our seats.

Once seated, Harry grabs my hand and holds onto it. We are dismissed but he never lets go.

We walk out of the room and I stop. He turns to look at me.

"Who is it?" I ask him. "What do you mean?" I drop my gaze that I held with him. "You said I reminded you of someone. Who is it?" He sighs and opens his mouth to speak.

"My parents were killed when I was 10. On the night they were killed, I saw an angel. I know that sounds cheesy but it was an honest to god angel. She had wings and wore all white. Her voice was beautiful but she looked just like you." I look back at him, shocked.

"How can I possibly look like an angel from your childhood? I am the farthest thing from an angel you'll ever meet." He shakes his head slightly.

"I don't believe that. I've always believed that suicidal people are angels that just want to go home." I feel the tears form in my eyes and something clicks in my mind.

"What day were your parents killed Harry?" He licks his lips, obviously nervous. "March 13, 2006."

Oh dear god, he has to be lying. "You're kidding right?" He shakes his head "That's the day, that's the day I tried to commit suicide the first time Harry."

The tears flow down my cheeks. "That's the day I tried to kill myself. You saw me as an angel. How? How could I be an angel?" My knees buckle and I sink to the ground.

He bends down to hold me. "Like I said, you are an angel wanting to go home. I was a little boy who needed comfort and I was sent an angel."

Harry is cut off by the bravest thing I've ever done. I kissed him square on the lips. He freezes for a second before kissing me back.

So in the main floor of a Juilliard dance building, I kissed Harry Styles for the first time and let me tell you, it was amazing.

Louis's POV
I stayed after class to talk to the instructor. As I walk to go out, I hear a girl sobbing.

I turn a corner and see Charlie on the floor but I notice she is not alone. She looks up at a boy and says something. I see her fall to the ground.

I recognize the boy as Harry. He squats down beside her and responds, moving a piece of hair behind her ear.

That bastard.

She pauses for a second before crashing her lips onto his. No, she did NOT just do that.

Soon after, he is kissing her back. Fuck, this wasn't supposed to happen.

I watch them pull away and see Charlie's beautiful smile shine up at him. He is looking down at her and they walk out together.

I don't know how, I don't know when, but I know that Charlotte will be mine and no one can stop me.
They kissed!! Comment and Vote. Leave predictions and suggestions. Thanks!

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