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Charlotte's POV
I walk in and throw my stuff on the floor. I fall onto the floor smiling and look up at the ceiling.

I kissed him, I really kissed Harry.

I was lying there for about 3 minutes before Tori comes in. "We have a party to go." She seems so happy, I hate to say this.

"Not going." She glares at me. "Oh yes you are." She stands above me with her hands on her hips. "Ugh, fine." She squeals and runs back into her room.

"Put on something hot!" I smile at her silliness and go examine my closet.

I choose a black tight dress with longer sleeves. I pull out some black heels and I put on a necklace.

I go into the bathroom the same time as Tori.

She's wearing a dark blue dress that has no sleeves. She has on dark blue heels and a simple diamond necklace.

"You look awesome!" She says to me.
"Thanks, you too." We start on our hair and makeup.
I do my eye makeup and add a really cool eyeliner design. I put on bronzer and pink lipstick. I then curl my hair into tight curls and hairspray them in place.

Tori has put on gold eyeshadow and winged eyeliner. He lips are a nude color and she straightened her hair.

I'd say we looked pretty dang sexy.

I grab my keys and my phone out of my room and go out to lock my door. Tori does the same and we walk to the parking lot together.

I'm starting to feel a little self-conscious in this dress.

"Don't worry, you look great." I open my mouth to speak, but Tori cuts me off.

"I could tell you were worrying." I just nod.

We walk to my truck and I hop into the driver's seat. Tori gives me directions to wear the party is.

We pull up at a frat house about 10 minutes later.

You can see the party going on. "This is Niall's frat and he asked me to come and also to bring you."

Weird, why me?

We walk side by side into the frat house and see the party going.

There are drunk bodies already even though the party only started 15 minutes ago. You can see people dancing on each other, ew. Tori leads me to the kitchen and we see Niall there.

"You made it! How are you, beautiful?" He kisses Tori then looks at me. "Hey Lottie. You came too!" I nod and smile at him.

Niall seems like a good guy from the few interactions I've had with him.

"I have to show you something Lottie." He walks out, motioning for me to follow. I raise an eyebrow at Tori but she just shrugs. I follow Niall and see him go to the corner of the room.

There's a couch there with a couple on one end, making out, and Harry on the other. Wait, Harry?

"Yo man, thought you might want some company." Niall steps out of the way to reveal me to Harry.

Harry sits there just looking me up and down. Geez, this is making me feel even more self-conscious. "I'll leave you two alone." Niall rushes away and Harry stands up.

He walks over to me and puts his arms around my waist. "Hi there." I smile up at him. Even with these heels, he still towers over me. He looks down, biting his lip. "Well hello there." He leans down to kiss me as I go up.

Our lips touch and I feel sparks happening. We break apart and just look at each other.

I feel his hand sliding down to touch my butt but I twist around and slap it away. He pouts and I kiss him again.
"Why are you here? Harry asks. "Tori forced me."

"I'm glad she did, you look hot." I blush and look down away from his lust filled eyes.

Crap, I got to pee. "Harry..." I look up. "What?" He asks. "I have to use the bathroom." I blush harder. "Do you want me to show you were it is?" I shake my head no.

"I'm sure I can find it." He brings his arms to his side and steps away. Crud, I miss his body heat.

"I'll be right back." He nods and I walk away.

I go upstairs to find the bathroom. I walk down the hall before a door opens to my right. I ignore it and keep walking.

Suddenly, an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me against a body. A cloth is put over my nose and I slowly lose consciousness.

The last thing I remember was a voice saying "I'm sorry" and that's when my world went black.

Alone *Harry Styles AU*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang