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*Charlotte's muscle tee above or on side."
Charlotte's POV
I wake up to my phone going off. Brax is sitting on the floor staring up at me.

His head tilted to the side with curious eyes. It's so cute. I take a picture and put it on Instagram. Geez, I'm already obsessed.

I don't know why I set an alarm so early, my first class isn't until 2 pm today. I check my phone and see that it is only 8:30.

I get out of bed to pick up Brax. I take him onto my bed and sit back down.

I turn on Netflix and start watching Pretty little Liars. After about 10 minutes, my stomach grumbles. Brax looks at my stomach and starts to growls back.

I pet his head to assure him everything's fine.

I get off my bed and walk to Tori's room. She's already awake and talking to Niall on Skype.

She turns around and smiles at me. "Hey Lottie, what's up?" Niall waves at me through the camera. I wave back.

"We need to go buy food." I see her eyes light up a little by that. Wow, didn't know food made her so happy.

"Ok, go get dressed and grab Brax. I know a store down the road that always lets pets in." She hangs up with Niall and shoos me out.

I walk into my room and slip on a grey sweatshirt and black leggings. I slip on white converse and head into the bathroom.

I apply mascara and Chapstick before walking out again. I decided to leave my hair down right now.

I grab a leash I bought for Brax and clip it on him.

I grab a purse and put in my phone, wallet, and keys.

I go out my dorm room and lock the door. I stand outside my door waiting for Tori. She walks out and we head down."Your car or mine?" She asks. "Doesn't matter." I reply.

She heads over to the passenger side of my truck. "Let's go, babe." I let that name go. "Alright, Babe." I emphasized babe to make a little joke. She giggles and hops in.

We get home from the store at 12:30 pm. I quickly run into my room and change.

I slip on my black sports bra, booty shorts and a muscle tee. I put my hair in a bun and bobby pin it into place. I turn on the TV.

After about an hour and a half, I put my white converse back on and grab my dance bag.

I grab my keys, wallet, and phone. I peek my head into Tori's room. "I have to go. Will you watch Brax?" She perks up her head. "Yeah, sure."

I go back into my room to get him. "You're going to stay with Tori. You'll be fine." I pet his head and he licks my face.

I bring him to Tori and she takes him. "Bye guys!" I step out of the room and head to my car.

I drive to the dance building and go stand outside the door to the studio, the wall against my back.

I turn my head as someone goes to stand across me. Great, it's Harry. He stands straight across from me, arms crossed over his chest with his left foot propped on the wall. He looks at me.

I turn on my side so I'm facing the door and so that he can only see my left side.

I keep looking out the corner of my eyes and see his green ones looking at me.

I grab my phone out of my bag and look at the time. It reads 1:58. Good, only two minutes left.

At exactly 2 o'clock, John opens the door and tells us to come in. We all set our bags down and gather in the center of the room.

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