chapter 7-The fight

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I stared at him  "wait ,what do you mean i-he interrupted me"come on Jessica,I saw you guys holding hands and the shank said you guys were something, you think I'm stupid, see I think I should leave you right now cuz ur boyfriend might get jealous."He was about to leave until I went up to him really angrily.

"Hey Minho you got everything wrong ,and for your information he used to be my best buddy ,he knew who my parents,well my parents who adopted me were and also he said wicked killed them and took us away,don't you get it he was like my brother,and you know what I'm going to be the one to leave ,oh and by the way you think bad of me well I don't want to be friends anymore."tears were running down my cheeks.

Minho grabbed my arm but I let go,and I thought to myself how could I said that to him but no matter what I had to make things clear,why would he think bad too,my life is so messed up.I ran to where no one could annoy me which was the "glade tower"I climbed it and I was crying,crying for everything.I found a journal and for my luck a pencil too, so I started to draw.

I heared minho call me and newt and even Jorge but what I did was get some rocks and throw it back to them even to I positively knew that they had an idea that I was mad but only minho knew why of course it was his fault anyway.

I could hear alby clearly too he said "hey minho what the hell did you do to the shuckin girl she was all nice and now she is annoyed by everyone,and we don't know why".

It was getting dark and I was hungry ,but minho came and he was like hey greenie aren't you gonna eat ?".I threw a rock at him and said "I'm not going to eat shank imma try to at least starve to death."I threw more rocks to him until he left.Now it was getting cold and I slept.

It was morning time and I was hungry so I climbed down and I went to the garden to get some tomatoes and I ate it  because I figured out that if I went to frypans I would see minho .

I saw newt in the garden "hey you bloody came down right shank".

I nodded my head and left .but I felt someone pick me up "hey put me down!"I noticed it was minho.