chapter 19-

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I kept on hearing the 2 girls repeat and repeat the same thing "everything is going to change".and I saw the other girl her name was Teresa she just kept on staring at me.I don't know why but they looked so familiar. I woke up and I stretched myself.

Minho knocked on the door he came in and kissed me "morning princess".
I totally forgot about yesterday .that magical moment we had.I hugged him and I smiled at him "morning".

I got up and I grabbed the brush but minho took it away.he made me chase him outside for a hair brush.I was running but then I had a cramp from where Ben stabbed me."ouch,uh oh I forgot I can't run".I said holding my belly and crouching.minho had a worried face."I'm sorry I forgot that too,do you need help are you ok?".he holded me and rubbed my cheek."it hurts"I said and a tear came running down."he hugged me and wiped my tear.

Slowly the pain left.and Minho was relieved and he gave me a small peck.
He sat me on his legs and he then started brushing my hair also he did a French braid.he cut a flower and put it on me.

"There you go,you look beautiful"he said.I gently got up and I hugged him "wow I didn't know I had a hairstylist as my boyfriend.I said smiling.
"I love to hear you call me boyfriend"he said grabbing my hand.

I heard my stomach grumbling "immmm hungryyyyyy"I said .
"Me toooooooooo"he said mocking me.we went to frypans and I ate bacon and scrambled eggs.

Then newt came "hey love birds"."hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"I said yelling at him excitedly."ok calm down greenie"newt said."so when do I start running ?"I ask.

"You can run starting next week"newt said.

"Fine with me"I said.

Minho had to leave I packed him some water and some sandwiches. I gave him his bag and he gave me a small peck and then he left.

I went to frypans just to help him cook because I was first he was like no but I annoyed him and he let me cook.the first thing that popped in my mind was cookies."can I bake some cookies".I said."yeah sure whatever but I'm sure you don't even have an idea of how to cook it."he said.

"I'll show you I can."I said.

I grabbed eggs,flour,milk, sugar,andf some chocolate.I did the mixing and I put them in the huge oven.then I got them out.they were perfect but hot,so I let them cool down.

I saw the clock minho had already arrived and he saw me."what are you doing inside of frypans kitchen?"he asked."look I baked cookies!"I said handing him one.

He was amazed he loved my cookies.then I gave one to frypans he liked them too.I grabbed a bowl and I started handing them out.I gave 2 for chuck,1 for Newt,1 for Thomas,1 for alby,1for Jorge, and 3 for minho.

Finally I finished eating mines.they were actually really good.

Then we all sat at the same table .I sat beside minho and he put his arm around me."your cookies were good"chuck said.

"Thanks"I said.

I saw Gally he was staring at me really mad but then all of a sudden he smiled. He's up to something I thought to myself.he came by and he was like "I loved your cookies baby".

Me:"wtf stop calling me baby and I never even gave you a cookie".
Minho got up he was mad."so when minho leaves you can hang out with me and we will have a beautiful time together babe."Gally said smiling at me.

Minho:"that's it you shuck face ,imma beat you up".

He grabbed him and punched his face but then gally punched him back they were hitting eachother really badly.until alby stopped them both.

Gally seemed like if he was about to faint.I saw minho he was bleeding from his mouth.I grabbed his hand and I took him to his room.I grabbed some wet cloth and I gently cleaned his mouth.

Me:"you were not supposed to do that,you should've ignored him".
Minho:"hell no I will never let no one disrespect you never".

I kept on wiping off the blood and then I hugged him."I love you"I said.
"Me too"he said smiling.

Then I left to my room I was exhausted and all of a sudden I felled in a deep sleep again like if my mind was controlled and then they turn it off.