chapter 11 -"slumber partyy"

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"Gally what do you want?,can you please leave slinthead.""uh let me think ".gally said.I came out of the closet and said "excuse me gally but if your gonna talk klunk about me why don't you tell me".

"Oh I see I interrupted your moment ,minho" gally said."slim it you slint head ,go away now"."nope I think you wanna hear what Ben said bout her"."who's Ben ?"I asked really confused."hey all I want to tell you Jessica is that we don't want you,your a stupid piece of klunk,no one likes you and I'm on Ben side I believe him"gally said in a serious one likes you,kept on repeating in my mind.

"SHUT UP!"minho pushed him on the ground he was about to kick the klunk out of him until I stopped him."minho calm down,don't waste your time on trash like him".finally minho  calmed down and made gally leave.

I felt so sad like what did I do to them?Minho saw me and said "hey don't listen to him ,He's just trying to make you feel bad".I sat on his bed and a tear came running down my cheek."well I guess he did make me feel bad".minho came up to me and put his hand over my cheek and then wiped my tears."hey no matter what people think about you ,you'll never be alone,anyway no one likes gally and you got newt,chuck, Thomas ,alby, and don't have to feel bad".I looked at him and I hugged him "thanks minho,thanks for being there for me".

"hey this is a slumber party remember ,were supposed to have fun".I looked at him and smiled and I threw a pillow at him "yep your right" I said .

I was tired and I layed on his bed I turned around and noticed that minho was going to sleep on the floor."hey minho what ya doing?"I asked."imma sleep what ya think"he said."hey why don't you sleep with me I mean there no problem with me."I think I noticed him grin.and he layed beside me.

"Hey do you remember any stories,cuz I don't".I said.he stretched his arms and I layed  my head on his strong arms."yeah I actually do remember one but not the whole thing".he said."can I hear it?"I said."yeah sure but you better not tell no one".ok I said."well its starts like this."...

Once upon a time there were two kingdoms that were in war
But the Prince had heard a lovely voice humming a song.
When he got closer he noticed it was a beautiful princess,but not any
Princess it was the princess from the other kingdom.he saw her and she saw him,it was love at first sight. But they both heard the guards so they left.
One day the princess escaped and was humming a beautiful song the prince came and grabbed her from her waist and they both swayed around dancing together.
The end.

"What happened then?" I said ..but he had already fallen asleep.I felled asleep was the most beautiful moment I had ever had with minho.

While I was sleeping I had a dream where there was a boy  who I couldn't recognize or see his face but he gave me  the necklace I found in my sweater and he kept on saying I love you.I wonder who it was.but there I was dreaming and sleeping for the whole night.