chapter 17-Minho's POV

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I was waiting for Jessica I wonder what took her long.thats when I heard her say my name.I turned around and I saw her bleeding.I was shucking mad and worried when I saw her bleeding.

She had told me that Ben did this to her.I wanted to kill Ben but I was going to work that out later.right now its Jessica who I care about.

I grabbed her carefully and carried her .she looked so pale and her hands were very cold.she could hardly talk.

She told me that she wasn't going to make it.I tried to make her feel better.I wanted to cry she fainted heart was beating fastly I was scared I needed her in my life.

I made it to the med jacks I placed her gently on the bed I took her sweater off and tied it around me.then the med jacks were attending her fastly.

I had to tell newt.I found him and I told him the whole story.

We were looking for Ben.I saw him I was pissed off with him .I yelled at him and I punched him.I wanted to kill him.but they stopped me.

Thomas's told me to calm down.I calmed down and then I grabbed him from his shirt."what the hell is wrong with you,she never even done nothing to you,and now she's dying cause of you,I hate you".I said angry.

I pushed Ben hard again and then the others grabbed him.Ben just stared at me and laughed.alby came and he was disappointed at him.he then had ordered to lock Ben up and that tommorow morning we would do the vanishment.

I went to my room and I untied Jessica's sweater .I grabbed it and I felt something in her pocket. I grabbed it and I couldn't believe my eyes,it was her the whole time she had the other half of the heart.

I went to my closet and I grabbed my necklace with the letter j on it.I put it together with the one she had.and both the necklace formed the heart.

J+M was written on it.she had my letter and I had was her the whole time ,how could I be that stupid and not notice it all this time I was shy to tell her and now she's dying and I'm here alone.

I need her no matter what ,I can't imagine her without me in my life.never see the pretty smiles and those crazy jokes or those warm hugs.

I was crying,I never thought that a man could cry .that's when someone knocked on my door.

It was Jorge.

"Leave me alone I'm not in the mood shank".I told him I was going to close the door but he grabbed the door."its all your fault".he said.

I was confused "what do you mean,my fault?"I asked.

"If you had never told her to go to the woods for a stupid dare she wouldn't be dying,and now she's going to leave us,its all your fault minho".

I was in shock I had no words to say I just couldn't think it.was it my fault?

"Look shank I don't care what you think I'm already in a bloody mood and leave me alone."I closed the door at him.

It was night time and newt knocked at my door his face really sad I could read his face he didn't even say nothing I knew what was happening, Jessica was at risk.

I couldn't sleep the whole night,when it was morning time I went to check her up.5 minutes left that's what Clint said. I was holding her hand ,she was dying.

I heard the box alarm but I didn't care.then Thomas came bursting in.

He was holding some serums.I don't think it'll work I said."well at least we can try,she's already dying but we can at least try "he said.

He injected her.I didn't see no movement.I had to leave.I ran into the maze some people were staring at me but I was broken inside of I knew that my world has gone.