Chapter 24

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Today I've been so confused that I'm just like for real why can't Teresa leave me alone and mind her own business.

I've bumped with Minho several times but I would just ignore him. I start running in two days but everything is going to be different.

Nayelli and Isabella says that they want to be a runner I might just give them my place for them.

But I don't think Alby would agree to that.Newt told me to cheer up but I can't I mean this is all Teresa's fault.

I don't like her at all she gives me this feeling that she is up to something bad she is someone who you can't trust.

I went to eat and Nayelli was like "hey I don't like seeing you sad I want to see the girl I know"

I stared at her and i said "your right I'm not going to fall in depression just cause of them".

So I felt better it was night time and I could see Newt having a head start with Isabella.they were together watching the stars.

And I thought I used to do that with Minho.

But you know what they say past is in the past now we're in the present.

I started to play with a rock and I have no idea why I was playing with the rock.i tossed it and I kicked it like if it were a soccer ball.

I was so into the rock that I literally fell into Minho I got up and said"move you shank"and I grabbed my rock and kept on playing with it.

He grabbed my arm I knew how badly he wanted to talk to me but I just ignored him.

I went to sleep I was so tired but I found this letter in my Hammock and it said from Minho for Jessica.

I didn't want to open it.but I did kept it safe.

I fell asleep until it was morning.

This was it just one more day and I am able to run.i stretched out and I saw the letter.

I decided to read it later.while I was getting up I could see Minho getting ready to go into the maze. I missed how I would pack his stuff and he would peck me.

That shuck face I just wonder what it will be tomorrow in the maze.

I left to go and eat some bacon which by the way it was so good.

I was talking with Nayelli and Isabella and I saw Teresa smiling at me I just rolled my eyes.

I swear that girl has problems.

It was about time to read the letter so I did.

Hey sunshine I love you so much that I don't know how to live without you.I'm so sorry I need you I know I'm so stupid that I had not believed in you and I have to be with you.sunshine I have a special surprise for you can you meet up with me in the woods please
With love Minho

I needed him too I missed him so the letter convinced me.

But I noticed that while I read the letter his handwriting seemed a bit different but I think I was wrong.

It was evening when I saw him. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

He left so I was like surely it was time to meet him in the woods.

I left and when I made it I saw what I wasn't expecting.

My heart was broken in a million of pieces.

I was so stupid how could I believed him.

He was enjoying this moment kissing Teresa.she saw me and smiled and said he is all mine.

Minho turned around and stared at me with a puzzled face. I went up to him and I gave him the the letter he wrote for me and left.

I was crushed by a guy who only loves to play with my life.i was so stupid.

I left crying and remembering that tomorrow was going to be the most horrible day because starting tomorrow I was a runner.

I'm so stupid why would I believe in him.