Rendezvous at Dawn

99 8 1

May 15th, 1996.

Elena's outfit for the chapter!

Also, play the song when you see + for better experience :)

Kisses <3

He couldn't sleep because once fucking again, he had been dreaming of her.

But it had been a nightmare this time. No tulips, no lightning, no rain, no laughs or smiles.

Only bruising, bleeding, dying for him.

Stupid, stupid, nightmares. When would they leave him alone to his fucking misery?

Draco couldn't bear it. The images of happy Elena, sad Elena, dead Elena. Any image of her that slid into his brain was enough to make him grow angry enough to get under the covers again.

The entire night, he had been tossing and turning and cursing Elena's name. He couldn't sleep, he didn't have dinner, he didn't do anything except sit in his bed and stare at the rings on his fingers.

He really didn't feel like doing anything at all.

All he could do while he waited to be swept away by sleep, was replay his fight with Elena. For hours upon hours, even when Theo came in and tried to "nurse him back to health", Draco had only heard Elena's voice shouting at him.

She had been right, though. At least just about them being nothing.

But even then, she hadn't been fully correct.

Sure, they weren't together or even friends, he figured, but they were something. All of those days spent in silence had to mean something. All of those revealed secrets, shared wishes, laughs and smiles had to account to something.

Those nights they had let each other forget who they were and what image they had to uphold had to count for something.

The sun was barely going to rise in an hour and he couldn't sleep anymore. Not that he could during the night, anyway.

Draco threw the curtains back, the sky still a bit dark. The stars had gone away already.

Trodding to his trunk and grabbing his clothes for the day, he pulled on the clean underwear, black dress pants and the black button up shirt with long sleeves. He perfectly buttoned each button and then tucked the shirt into his pants.

He didn't feel like wearing the normal robes today. He wanted to feel normal, as normal as he could.

But trying to feel normal, as if the past four months didn't happen was nearly impossible. He would try though, he would try and make sure Elena's words no longer appeared in his mind.


Going to the meadow was not an option.

It used to be her safe haven, a place where time froze and nothing bad could happen. But there was nothing "safe" about going to a place she had shared with him.

It was all ruined, the same way Elena and Draco were.

The words they had screamed at each other without thinking were out of fear and unjustified anger. Couldn't he see that she didn't mean them? That she didn't want him to go and kick her out of his life or for him to run to Marietta- that bitch-?

She didn't mean any of it, she just... wanted him back. Was it too much to ask?

Elena couldn't sleep. Not since she woke up around 3 in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep. She had decided to get in the shower, scrub away the hands she felt crawling on her skin and get ahead of the day.

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