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I passed my left hand over my face for the fourth time since I had been standing in front of the mirror, but who was counting, right? Right.

I couldn't control the shaking of my hands anymore, I couldn't control the sweating or the pulsing sensation in my stomach and my mind that told me this was it; it was time to get this over with. I had prolonged it for too long and it had to end.

"She deserves this" I whispered, my voice comes out steady, and I smile to myself. "She fucked everything up"

She had, she had been fucking this up for a while now and only I could stop her from making things worse.

I checked my watch, it was four thirty but it was getting dark outside, I turned to the window closest to me and walk towards it and carefully peaked out to find grey clouds covering the sky, a smile formed over my face.

This couldn't be more perfect, the grey clouds above us would make everything better, the darker everything got the easier it would all be.

Lena Severide had ruined my life for the last time, she had crushed my soul but I would pick up the pieces today, I would get my revenge; my well-deserved revenge. It had been beyond the word pleasure to watch her life crumble around her, there wasn't a day when she stepped out of her house and had to look over her shoulder just to make sure I wasn't there.

But I was, I always was.

I had seen her pretty face turn pale with the fear, I had seen the dark bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep and all the tears she had to be shedding in the night, I had seen her get thin and I had seen her retract into her own scared and twisted world. But she had to know, she had to learn, that is what happens when you destroy someone's heart; they get the chance to destroy you back.

I stepped away from the window and took my plastic bag towards the kitchen, I took a deep breath and knelt down, I pulled open a drawer and pushed the bag inside and pushed it close, I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes.

Even if this all failed, which I know wouldn't but I had to be prepared for everything, she would never have a normal life after this. I had stripped her off everything she had thought secure, I had taken away her peace of mind, her trust in herself and others and I would continue to take until I'd had enough.

"This ends now" I whispered to myself, the words lingered in the empty kitchen "This ends today"

I pushed myself up and rapidly stretched my body, I was feeling tense and I had to start focusing on what was important right now. After a couple of minutes I looked back at my watch and decided to walk around the living room once more.

I trailed my fingers down the soft fabric of the sofa, I passed my hand over my face and through my hair as I sat down over one of the single chairs and leaned over my knees. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, the flowers in the small coffee table of the living room were gently dying but their scent reached me and I smiled to myself.

I stood up slowly and headed towards the stairs of the house, I didn't go up but headed towards the small cupboard under the staircases, I pulled it open and stepped inside.

I turned on the light and took a deep breath just as I heard a car pull over at the drive way, a smiled forming on my dry lips; turning the lights off I stepped deeper in the cupboard and closed the door slightly, leaving just a crack to be able to watch.

The door of the house was pushed open and Lena Severide stepped in, she looked terrified; she had no idea how bad it was about to get.

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