Beach day

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Today was a perfect beach day. The sun was shining with a few clouds in the sky. Plus they where in Italy for a family/mafia business trip. Needless to say, Meredith and Derek had plenty of time alone so now it's time to spend it with their kids.

The whole shepherd family woke up. Of curse they had the best hotel suit with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Meredith and Derek both woke up snuggled in the king size bed before their kids came and jumped on them.

"Mommy! Daddy! It's beach day!" All two kids jumped on their parents as Ellis slept peacefully in her crib next to them. Meredith got up and picked up the sleeping baby, as she took off her shirt. Derek started giving airplane rides to the kids to distracts them as she fed Ellis on the balcony.

"We are going to the beach today miss Ellie" Meredith smiled and played with her babies fingers and looked into her blue eyes. All the kids had Dereks eyes and personality. But Zola was taking after her mother.

"Hey pretty lady! I'd like a piece of that!" Some men on the streets started calling at her. She covered herself and ignored them until they started talking again.

"Come down here and let me show you what I got!" They called out and lifted their white shirts, only to see half a 4 pack and the rest was fat. She laughed internally and scowled at them before hearing the sliding door open.

"Hey baby" Derek walked out and bent down. "And other baby" he kissed the top of Ellie's forehead. She smiled and gave him a kiss back before he stood up. As he was about to leave the men called on Meredith again.

"What's wrong baby? Come down here" the one said. Derek turned around and looked off the balcony to see 3 men calling on her. "Is there a problem?" He yelled down. The men started laughing.

"Yea. What's she doing with you?!" They all continued to laugh. "Gentlemen I advise you to stop" he warned them. They all continued laughing.

"What are you gonna do about it, beat us up?!" Derek looked back at Meredith. She raised her eyebrow and smiled. "I can if I want to"

The men started laughing again and talking in Italian. Derek had enough so he kissed Meredith and then walked downstairs in his black suit, fastening his watch while he walked over to them.

"I'm going to give you 5 seconds to leave before I do it myself" Derek warned. Meredith watched from the balcony while feeding her newborn.

The men all acted fake scared before Derek pulled out his pocket knife. And clicked it to open.

"Awe how cute. He has a knife. How about this mother fucker" all three pulled out guns and held them to his chest.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" He teased and watched as they loaded it, ready to shoot. "You will be  when we blow your fucking guts out" he felt one to his back, stomach, and head. He looked up at Meredith, she had a hint of fear in her eyes. He winked to her before he quickly kicked his heel back and made the guy behind him drop to his knees. He then took both his hands and grabbed the barrels of the guns, twisting them so the guys would roll over with their backs facing Derek.

He held both the guns to the side of their head as the man behind him was passed out bleeding. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't blow your fucking brains out" he whispered to both of them. They started freaking out and let go of the guns before they grabbed their friend and ran away. Derek poop I smiled and kicked the guns to the side before hearing sirens.

"Sir please put your hands behind your back-" they stopped talking when they realized who he was.

"Derek shepherd! Awe man it's been years buddy!" They both shook his hand. Derek smiled and started talking. "Hey guys! Thought I'd might see you" they all laughed.

"Heard your wife just had another one" they congratulated him. He thanked them and then started heading back up. "Hey and, try not to tear my city up" they joked. He laughed and waved them goodbye as he went back to the room. Meredith was in a tight blue sundress with a white bikini underneath as she had Bailey in blue and lime green griped striped shorts and Zola in a purple one piece and Ellis in a little water proof diaper and swim shirt with a little hat.

He smiled at how cute his family looked and went into the bathroom to change into black swim trunks and some sandals. They all walked down the road because the beach was close and they didn't need a car. Paparazzis where everywhere because he was the leader of an Italian mafia and the Washington DC mafia. Cameras where everywhere and Ellis started to fuss.

"Derek get them away" Meredith moved closer to him with the kids.

"Hey guys! Could you please stop we have a sleeping baby here" Derek put his hand out to block the flash but didn't work.

"Sir, how's it like having 3 kids a wife and being in the mafia?" One person asked. Derek side eyed his assistant l, telling them to get the cameras away before he does something. The men moved them aside to let them pass and they finally got to the docks where their yacht was.

It was a 78,000,000$ yacht in matte black with gold lining and a name that said 'shepherd' the kids loved the boat and it was big enough to put Ellis in a room if she needed to sleep. They boarded and left the crowd of paparazzis on the docks.

Meredith set the kids toys down and let them play in the mini pool on deck. Derek went up to talk to the captain and Meredith sat down on the patio sofa to feed Ellis before she went down for a nap.

"Hi baby girl! Are you hungry?" She cooed Ellie in a baby voice. Ellis smiled with her gums as Meredith pulled up her sundress and one side of her bikini to feed the baby. The yacht was far enough from the docks so fans couldn't take photos either.

"Hey, is Ellie going down after?" Derek sneaked up behind and scared Meredith a little bit. She jumped and scared the baby which made her start to cry.

"Ohh daddy look why you did" Ellis stopped eating and started crying. Meredith soothed her and started feeding her again.

"Sorry baby" he whispered in Ellis's ear. She kneaded Meredith's breasts with her tiny hands, signally she was done. Meredith stood up and wiped her mouth and nipple before putting her bathing top back on and taking Ellis to a quiet room to nap.

She came back out and Derek was watching the kids play in the pool. She went and sat beside him and laid her head on his lap.

"Hi handsome" she smiled and traced his abs. Derek put his warm hand on her stomach and rubbed up and down.

"Let's have another" Derek whispered. Meredith opened her eyes and looked at him like he was crazy. "No way. I am not pushing out another baby" she argued. Derek smiled and ran his fingers through her hair.

"You say that now..." he whispered so the kids couldn't hear him. All Meredith did was giggle and fall asleep on Dereks lap.

So next chapter I advise you not to be in a room with adults. Because your going to feel like your reading scripted porn👹

We gonna get into that 365 days.

-ok bye!!! Toodles, love you guys😘

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