Im always mad

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5 months later

Meredith is now nine months pregnant and is ready to pop any day. She was extra moody today too.

"Good morning... rise and shine" Derek smiled and kissed her cheek. "No." She snapped and buried her face into her pillow. "Hey, we agreed no being cranky" he whispered and kissed her neck. She groaned and angrily got out of bed, wobbling to bathroom and closing the door also locking it.

Derek sighed and got up. He decided to make breakfast for her to maybe ease the tension. He got the kids to school then made her some waffles with whipped cream and some apple juice. He brought it up stairs and saw her in their bed, facing away from him. He smiled and walked over, before hearing sniffles.

"Hey... what's wrong baby?" He set the tray down and kneeled down beside her. She looked up at him surprised and then hugged him tight. "I thought you left because I was mad at you" she whimpered and hugged him tight.

"Why would I leave you? Your my baby" he hugged her tight.

"Derek... there's something I want to tell you" Meredith whimpered. He looked up at her with a worried face. "What?" He whispered.

"We're having twins" she smiled slightly. His face lit up with joy Ashe pulled her in. "Oh my god! Really?!" He smiled and spun her around. She nodded her head as he set her back down and kissed her deeply.

"If your up for it..." he smirked and slowly crawled up on top of her. "Mm, I think I am" she giggled and rolled over so they where both on their sides to make out.

"Mmm" he loaned and played with her hair, she did the same. "Derek..." she moaned as he slipped a hand inside her panties and rubbed circles on her clit. "Ooh..." she moaned a bit louder before feeling something.

"Wow, already?" He smiled and felt her wetness. "Derek... I'm not wet" she whispered as he climbed on top.

"Oh you so are" he continued rubbing her clit. "No. My water just broke" she said shakily. "What?!" He took his hand out quickly and looked down at the pool below them.

"Oh my god... ok" he stood up and helped her sit up before running to the bathroom and starting the bath. "Call the midwife" he said as he grabbed some Epsom salts and sprinkled them in the water. He grabbed some towels and ice.

About 20 minutes later the midwife showed up. Meredith got undressed and into the water as he contractions hit.

"Ahh!" She squeezed Dereks hand. "Sir. You need to get in the water and help your wife." The midwife instructed. Derek nodded his head and got into his boxers before sitting behind meredith. "Ok honey, your doing amazing" he whispered and kissed her cheek.

"Meredith your about 8 cm" the lady said and took her gloves off. They both nodded their heads as Meredith rested against his shoulder.

"I hate you. I hate you and your stupid penis" she said out of breath as the midwife left the room. "You love me" he whispered and kissed her again. She swallowed hard and started sweating.

"Derek this hurts" she whimpered. "I know" he was trying to think of things to do, before it hit him. Hold her belly.

He slid his hands under to the bottom of her belly and held up her huge stomach, taking the weight off. "Is that better?" He whispered. She relaxed and nodded her head, closing her eyes.


"Ok Meredith time to push" the midwife came back and put some gloves and a gown on. Meredith nodded her head and placed her legs up on the sides so the midwife could see. "Alright, baby number one" Meredith pushed.

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