Make up

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"Derek I swear to god if you went back to work!" She yelled through the house and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm in here Meredith!" He yelled from the kitchen. She walked in and saw him at the table, drinking a scotch.

"Derek it's 2 in the afternoon" she sighed and got a glass of water.

He laughed and stood up, pouring another drink.

"The time of day never stopped you from doing anything" he snarked back and looked at the ground.

"What are you saying? I'm lazy?" Her voice raised as she leaned against the counter.

"I mean the constant money you spend. 'Derek baby can you buy me this. Can you buy me that?'" He mimicked her voice and glared at her.

"I do not do that! Who stays here every damn day looking after 5 children. 5! All while you go out and kill men! How do you think I feel?!" She yelled.

He laughed and looked around the room. "Everything I do is to protect you! You're upset over one Christmas that I wasn't there for. The kids didn't seem too fazed!" He yelled, louder than he intended too.

"I'm upset because the one day a year I get my whole family together was taken away from me! And they are too young to understand why you where gone! But how do you think I got through the day knowing damn well that my husband could be laying dead in an ally way while I sit here... w-waiting to spend one holiday..." she broke down, tears started streaming down her face.

Derek felt bad for going so harsh at her but he couldn't turn back now.

"I don't understand why this is such a big deal Meredith! I left to protect you guys Because I love you all so much! If you would stop being so fucking dramatic and let me go a day without the guilt of my job! That would be fucking incredible!" Meredith looked at him with tears streaming down her face.

"You know it would have been really nice to spend Christmas with my husband because then I could have happily told him that I was pregnant. But nothing ever works out like that does it?" Her voice rattled.

Derek looked up at her, his eye widened and all of a sudden he felt like the biggest asshole in the world. He should have known. Fuck.

"Mer-" she put her hand up to stop him from talking.

"Don't. You don't get to talk now. Because I know you. You're going to act all happy then we will be right back where we started." She sniffled and grabbed her purse, walking out of the kitchen.

Derek sighed and looked at the glass vases on the counter. He grabbed one a threw it, watching it break into a thousand pieces.

He cursed under his breath and ran after Meredith, running up the stairs and into their bedroom.

He opened the door and saw her putting clothes in a suit case.

"Meredith stop, what are you doing?" He asked and tried taking the clothes out.

"I'm staying somewhere else for a few days. You need to fix yourself Derek. I'm done helping you for something that you caused."

She zipped up the bag and walked into the twins room.

"tesoro per favore non farlo" he begged and followed her.

"Don't darling me" she snapped and put their things in a bag.

"Meredith I promise I will work on myself. Meredith we have kids." He pleaded and followed her downstairs.

"Look. I'll go pick up the twins. You stay with the other three. Just- just tell them I'm out of town for a while" she opened the door.

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