After party

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Hey so I haven't updated because I kinda thought it would be a good idea to bring my phone when I went to a pool and it fell in. But it's fixed now so 🤪

Meredith ran into the master bedroom and locked the door so Derek couldn't come in. This dress was floral print again but had a large v line down the neck. It was shorter so she wouldn't trip either.

"Mrs. Shepherd! Please come out now!" Derek knocked on the door. She giggled and ran to open it. He looked and smiled holding her hips and slowly walking her over to the bed.

"Uh. What are you doing mr" she laughed and tried pushing him back. "I have no Idea what your talking about" he smirked and pushed her back a bit.

"Wanna make a baby?" He smirked and crawled on top of her. "What?" She went serious and sat up.

"Ha. Just kidding" he smiled and helped her up. They walked into the car and drove to the after party. The parents and kids where all gone so it was now just the young family members and the wedding party.

"And let's give it to mr and mrs shepherdddd!" The DJ yelled as Meredith and Derek walked in holding hands. Everyone clapped and cheered as they made their way to the dance floor.

"Wooo let's get this party started!" Cristina yelled and opened a bottle of tequila, pouring everyone shots. Meredith threw one back with ease as Derek got a scotch instead.

"Come on Derek! Shoot it!" Cristina yelled and gave him a shot. "Shoot it baby!" Meredith yelled. He rolled his eyes and smiled, taking the shot and throwing his head back. He squinted and put his head down, shaking it and sticking his tongue out.

"Ugh how can you drink that" he made a sour face. Meredith laughed and looked at the dance floor when her favourite song came on.

Everyone followed her except Derek and started dancing. Derek sat down at a table with his men. "Why did you choose her? I mean she's so.... Antsy" one of his men said. Derek looked over and smiled.

"That's exactly why" Derek got up and walked over to Meredith. "Come on! Dance!" She yelled and grabbed his hips. "I don't dance" he laughed. Meredith dragged him out and started swaying with him.

"Please. Dance for your new wife" she slurred and danced right up against his body. He closed his eyes and tried to control himself as he grabbed her hips and pushed her away a little bit.

"Be careful where your putting that nice ass of yours" he whispered and started dancing with her a bit. She giggled and danced right up against him again, moving up and down with the beat. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling with his eyes closed and jaw clenched.

"Come in baby dance!" She laughed and finally backed up. Derek smiled and looked around, seeing everyone was busy talking to others.

"I'll be right back. I need to use the bathroom" he gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked into the men's room.

As soon as he got into a stall and locked it, he dropped his pants and sighed in relief as his hard cock was set free. "Jesus fuck..." he placed both hands on the stall door and looked down at his standing cock.

He gulped and reached down, softly stroking it to get him some relief. He closed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling as his breath started to get slightly choppy. "Yea just like that..." he envisioned Meredith's small mouth curled around his length.

"God..." his neck veins popped out and he sped his hand movements up as his hot cum shot out of the tip and hit the stall door. He panted and slowed his hand movements down until he fully stopped. He reached behind and got a piece of toilet paper to wipe up the mess.

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