How we met

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Ok so you guys keep asking how they met so here ya go.

Derek and Meredith where laying in bed smiling and talking to each other. His hand was comfortably sitting on her thigh, rubbing up and down in a warm motion, as he hand was just playing with his curls on and off.

"I can't believe our 10th anniversary is coming up" he smiled and leaned in to kiss her quickly.

"I know... do you remember how we met?" She giggled and thought back to the memory...

- L'Antiquario, Napoli, Italy, 2009-

Meredith sat alone at the famous bar in Italy that everyone told her to go too. She looked too her right to see some Italian men eyeing her down, and too the left where some strippers. This bar sucked. Behind her where some of her friends she was in Italy with, Cristina, Arizona, and April. They where all taking shots and flirting with guys, as she found herself content with a shot of tequila and a bit of background music.

"ehi bella cosa!" 1 man called on her. She rolled her eyes, knowing it was probably a gross pick up line. She focused back to the front of the bar, staring at the colored liquor bottles that stood in front of neon led lights.

"Oh here comes the big bad wolf!" She heard a group say behind her. She ignored them and probably though a table fight would go down, but she could care less.

"Look at mister tuff guy!" They all laughed, finally driving her to turn her head and see what the commotion was all about.

As she turned her head, her golden hair slightly brushed over her shoulders. As her emerald eyes scanned the room, they landed on a tall, dark haired, blue eyed, muscular man. Every girl in the bar was looking like they had just wet themselves over how excited they where. He was good looking, but what was everyone squealing about?

She examined him closely until their eyes met. He stared deep into her pupils with a smugged smile slowly forming. Before things got awkward, she swiveled her head back around, showing him the back of her head.

"Derek shepherd." She immediately felt a presence beside her. As she looked down, nothing but a muscular hand was seen stretched out in front of her to shake.

Her poor Italian skills kicked in, trying to avoid the man as much as possible.

" non parlo inglese" she commented with a straightened face.
(I don't speak English)

He smiled and took his hand away. It was just then when she got a chance to look at his perfect teeth.

"neanche io" he replied with a smile so big it almost hurt to look at.
(Neither do I)

She sighed and just decided to give up on avoiding him. "Crap. I thought that would work" she whispered to herself, but obviously loud enough for him to hear.

"You from around here?" He asked and sat down as the bartender brought him what looked like a scotch. "No... I'm here on a trip with friends" she smiled innocently, wanting to get this conversation over with as soon as possible.

"And where are they?" He asked and took a sip of his drink, licking his lips afterwards. "Back there" she cocked a finger, pointing behind her. He looked back and laughed.

"Nope. They're gone" she turned around and scanned the small bar, seeing nothing but horny Italian men and strippers. "Not very good friends. And not a very good spot to be here alone at" he looked at her seriously for a moment.

She rolled her eyes and stared ahead. "Your alone." She talked back in a sossy tone. "I can protect myself" he yet again threw back his liquor and tipped his head as he finished the glass.

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