Its better

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4 days later

They had gotten home from the hospital and Meredith was in a wheelchair. She hasn't said one word since Derek saved her. He missed her voice. The twins where now being bottle fed because she was unable to breastfeed. All she did was sleep, eat, and sit on the balcony.

Derek wanted her back. But he knew it would take a lot for her to be her again. But he was willing to go through that so they could be Meredith and Derek again.

"Good morning honey" he rubbed her hair out from her face and smiled as he saw her green eyes open. She looked at him emotionless and sad as he handed her a bowl of smooth yogurt and blueberries. He helped her sit up and fed her the first spoonful before she took it shakily.

"You look so beautiful today" he smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He pulled away immediately when she tensed up. "Hey it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you" he teared up and laid down beside her.

"I miss your voice" he sighed and turned over to face her. He watched as she tried to bring the spoon up to her mouth but failed.

"Mm!" She dropped it and threw her bowl onto the floor. "Hey hey, it's ok... don't cry. I'll get you another bowl and I'll help you ok?" He sat up and cleaned the yogurt and broken bowl up as she sat there crying.

He came back a few minutes later with another bowl and sat beside her, spooning into her mouth until she was finished. "Awesome. You did amazing honey" he smiled and set the bowl down. She slightly Smiled and took the blanket off, revealing her legs. She looked down at them and started tearing up as she traced her scar that had an A on it.

She started tearing up and crying as she looked at it, before Derek picked her up. "Shhh, it's ok. You and me are going to get through this together ok. I'm never going to let that happen again" he brought her into the bathroom and started the shower for her.

"I'll get you a towel" he walked out and came back with a towel for her. She sat on the edge of the tub and waited as he set it down for her.

"Ok your showers ready" he walked over to her and lightly grabbed the bottom of her shirt.

"Mm..." she whimpered and pulled away. "Mer... it's ok. I'm going to help you baby" he tried again but she started crying and pulled away.

"Ok... but if you need anything just knock or cry or something" he smiled and gave her forehead a kiss before walking out.

Meredith got in the shower and sat on the bench, grabbing the shampoo and conditioner. She gently started running it through her hair but stopped when the bottles fell onto the floor. She couldn't bend down to reach it. She had no other choice but to call Derek.

"Der..." she tried but had to swallow hard and try again. "Derek..." she said but too quietly.

"Derek" she finally caught his attention and heard him come in. "Meredith are you ok?!" He asked frantically and opened the door.

Meredith quickly covered herself up and Derek shut the door. "Crap. I'm sorry" he said through the glass.

"Soap" she whispered and let him open the door, pointing at the bottle in the middle of the floor. She hid in the corner with her knees up to her chest as he stepped in fully clothed and got the bottle for her.

She smiled and took it from his hands, trying to stand up but fell back down. Derek walked over to her and vent down, picking her up.

She covered her parts as soon as she was able to and sat back down on the bench. "Are you scared?" He asked before he got out. "Are you scared I'm going to touch you?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

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