chapter 2

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I went downstairs to the garden with a tray that contains a glass of water. Food and fruits have been served by the maids but Hajiya insist that I took water to him. I stood behind him thinking of what to tell him.

"How do I insult him?" I said calmly. I moved some steps toward him, kept the tray in front of him then sat down. He didn't look at me nor did he thank me for the water tho I didn't greet him. I continued pressing my phone.

"You are Salma?" He asked.

"Foolish question". I said in my mind.
"Yes".  I replied.

"Am sure you know my name"He began.

"Yes, yes, yes... You don't have to talk". I interrupted.

He didn't say anything again. He picked up his phone and started making calls.

"Good night". I stood up and left.

Getting to my room I met Khadija.

"What are you doing here?"

"Calm down, sis! I was just waiting for you to come and gist me" .

"No gist. He seems not to care either". I frowned.

"That's for your own good". She smiled.

"Get up am tired. I want to sleep". I started taking off my clothes . Then wore my pajamas.

Khadijah gave me a peck and left.

I was about to close the door when Malam bagged in.

"Ke zaki zubar min da mutumci ( you want to ruin my reputation)". He looks furious.

"Ma...lam". I stammered.

"Kina hauka ne? Ince kiyi zance da mutum kije kina danna waya(I asked you to talk to that guy but you were pressing your phone).

I started crying.

"Bani Wayan nan (give me the phone)". He snatched it from my hand and smatched it on the floor.

"My phone". I shouted.

"Keep quiet!" He gave me a slap that made me land on the floor.

"Toh. Put it at the back of your mind that tomorrow I will get you married and to this same guy".

It rang in my head five times.

He left the room.

I was still on the floor crying.

Hajiya and Khadijah came in.

"Hajiya. He said I'm getting married tomorrow ". I cried.

"It's okay my daughter. It's for the best". My mum consoled.

"Hajiya. This is not fair. How can he get her married so soon? Tomorrow is Wednesday fah.  Why is Malam so cruel?" Khadija complained.

"Keep quiet!" Hajiya shunned Khadijah. Go to your room and sleep you have to go to school tomorrow".

"No hajiya. I will stay right here with my best friend".

"If you don't stand up I'll. Hajiya picked up her right slippers". Hajiya bent for her slippers.

Khadijah ran out of the room.

Hajiya hugged me.

"Daughter I want you to know that marriage has no fixed date. It comes at any time. I don't want you to miss this opportunity of becoming a woman. Here is the time you will become a householder, a mother,  a wife, a friend, and lots more". Hajiya advised.

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