chapter 20

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The next day

"A lady was rushed in, not long.  I'm not sure she will survive because her state was very terrible". A nurse in her late 20s told the other who looked younger.

"I pray she is fine. "The other replied.

"Ameen ". They both said.

SHAGARI's pov.

At the reception.....

"I warned you bro. I told you not to pity her. I knew she was a liar from day one". Pinky sitting beside USMAN.

"Please stop it! "

"Bro. The truth is bitter but you have to listen".

"What do I do?" I asked helplessly.

"Correct". She paused. "The former you.
That SHAGARI I always admire. That one that doesn't take shit. Don't sit here crying for someone who doesn't deserve it. "

I stared at her for a while.

"Yes, brother. Work is waiting for you. Go attend to it. Stand up." She raised me.
I left for the car park.

"The only way I can get over her is by staying away from her. "I entered the car and dialed Mom's number to come to stay with her. I drove off.


I sat down at the reception pleading and praying to God to save Salma and her baby's life.

The doctor came.

"The patient has come around". The doctor said to me.

"Alhamdullilah. I thank God. Can I go in? "

"Sure." He smiled and left.

I entered the room.
"That pretty face, it's still as pretty as it is even tho the head has a bandage. Why is she looking away? Isn't she aware of my presence ?"

"Hello Salma," I called out.
It's as if I brought her back from her thoughts.

"Ma. You are here". She spoke calmly. That was when I noticed tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

She tried to get up. But I stopped her and then sat beside her.

"What's wrong?". I asked confused.

"Ma. I'm a liar. I lied to all of you . I don't know if you will ever forgive me". She cried.

"I don't want you to stress yourself in this condition. What lies are you even talking about?"

"I'm not a divorcee. I am Salma Habibu Arfa".

"The one from Bauchi". I asked.

"Yes him. I'm his second daughter. He got me married to that horrible man who almost killed me . I suffered". She paused.

"It's okay my dear. That doesn't make you a liar. What about Malam Habibu?  Why didn't you tell him about what was going on".

"I couldn't. Malam is not as easy as you think. He is a very cruel and selfish man. He does what he wants but never permits us to do what we want".

"Don't ever say that about your father. You mustn't complain no matter what. You mean you ran away?"

"MA. The torture was too much so I left the house". She wiped off her tears.

"Whatever it is, we will reunite you with your family and everything will be fine. I promise". I held her hands.

"You don't know..... My parents don't love me. They will take me back to my husband's house. They will force me back". Another session of tears began.

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