chapter 11

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Vibes on vibes on.

A hot tea at the cafe with Shagari.
"You are blushing". His cute voice uttered.

I couldn't look up.

"Hey. "He held my hands. "Are you alright? "He asked.

"Usman. "I'm just okay. I blushed.

"Look into my eyes. "Shagari said.

My heart began beating fast.

My eyes are heavy. I managed to open my eyes.

"It was a dream. 'I said in my mind.
My head is boiling and I'm feeling cold. My nose is blocked.

"Good morning. "Billy greeted.

I smiled at her.

She squeezed a towel and placed it on my head.

"Have you been doing this?" My shaky voice spoke.

"You have a high temperature. You have to rest and stop talking. "

"I haven't even prayed fajr and the sun is out. "I tried getting up.

"Go back. "She pulled me back.

"You are sick, you will pray when you are better, for now, you need bed rest." She began crying.

"I'll go get you breakfast. "She left.

My mouth is sour. No appetite. I'm weak. My head pains a lot and I'm cold.

I looked around the room which looks more like a prison.

"I made pancake and tea. Get up and eat. "Billy came in.

She helped me get up.

"Open your mouth. "She stretched a cut of the cake.

"I had a bite. I feel like I'm eating sadness. What is the essence of keeping my health when I don't have peace of mind? "I began crying.

"No, no, no. You don't need tears not this time when you are sick." Billy said.

My phone ranged. It's Hajiya.

She placed the phone on my ear.

"My daughter. How are you? "

I kept quiet for a sec.

"Are you okay?"

"Hajiya. I'm badly ill. Mubarak isn't even home. "I cried.

"What's wrong my daughter? And where is Mubarak? Is he out of town? "
I cried.

"Your father is in town. I can't visit but I'll send Ilham to you. "She ended the call.

"Does Hajiya even love me? Her daughter is badly ill. All she could say is that she will send a family friend to check up on me. Can you imagine?" I cried.

"It's okay." Billy hugged me.

I didn't eat breakfast. Billy tried her best but I had already made up my mind so I didn't eat.

I slept back.

I felt a presence.

Opening my eyes I saw Mubarak.

I covered my face with the duvet immediately.

"Hey. What are you doing?"He removed it from my face.

"How are you feeling now?"

I was shivering because of fear.

"I'm asking. "He spoke calmly.

I closed my eyes in fear. I was still laying on the bed.

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