chapter 5

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A new life. A New house. A New Lifestyle.

I checked the wallclock. It's 11 o'clock
No traces of Mubarak. I raised my veil. I walked out of the room.
Everywhere seems quiet.

I met myself in a living room. I checked the main door but it's locked.
I was scared so I lay on the couch. Then I dozed off.

Someone tapped me.

I quickly stood up.

"Why are you scared?"  A beautiful lady with a white set of teeth, not too tall but a little bit slim asked.

"Good morning". I greeted.

"Go freshen up and come downstairs for breakfast". She smiled.

I stood up and went back to my room.
I first lay my back on the bed thinking about a lot of things before I went to the bathroom.

I am used to this from home. I prefer to breakfast with my hair stretchdownwardrds.

I dressed up using a little makeup. I wore a simple earring and necklace. I walked majestically downstairs and to the dining.

"Sit!", she said.

I nodded my head as I sat down.
She dished my plate.

I began eating.

"I am Mabruka your elder sister". She smiled. "And about your husband, he was called last night that there was an emergency at the hospital so he had to rush there".

I continued smiling.

Dining  which is meant to be a quiet one turned into an interrogation center.

She has been asking a lot of questions about money, family, and school.

"Good morning Sisi". He greeted his sister.

"Am I alone?" she raised her brow.

He gave me a short smile.
"Salma. She placed his hands on mine.


"Mubarak is now yours and yours alone. Take care of him. Do not let him lack anything. He is the only family I have. We have no parents. They died long ago. We ain't close to any relatives, I have been his parent for almost 16 years now. Right now I am handing him over to you". She joined our hands together.

He removed his immediately. She didn't notice.

"I come here every month to check on this 30year old baby but since you are around I don't have to worry anymore. ". She smiled.

I frowned.

"Yes dear, I have work and family. I have to concentrate on them too.
Promise me you will take care of him".I looked at him.  His beauty splashed all over my face.

"Yes". I replied immediately.

"I'll be leaving in the evening".

She served him his food and then went upstairs to pack her bags.

I could perceive a female perf on him. It smells fresh.

Does he use female perf or is it?......
No, it can't be. So many thoughts ran through my mind.

He picked up his plate and went upstairs.
Immediately I finished with my food. I cleared the table and washed the used items.

I placed my head on my pillow thinking about my crush.

I sat down immediately.

"Salma. You are married. You can't just keep thinking about another guy". I said calmly.

I sighted a pack.

Opening it, I saw a phone.
My favorite. I shouted in happiness.
I read the letter I found there.

Awwnn..... Brohh. I cried

I began crying again.
I plugged in the phone.
This house is very boring.
I managed to sleep.

The knock on my door woke me up.
She came in with a smile.

I began scratching my eyes like a baby as all my hair covered my face.

"Hope you understand everything? Hope you will keep to words?"

"I promise. I smiled.

"I am leaving for Abuja".
It made me sad.

I stood up and walked her to the door. Mubarak was nowhere to be found.
We continued waving at each other till the car drove out of the compound.

I rushed to my room to pray to Zuhr and Asr because I had missed them while sleeping.

The door opened slowly.
We will be leaving for your house be downstairs in 10 minutes

I became so happy. At least I'll see my people.

He opened the car for me to enter. We had a quiet and peaceful drive.


I hugged my mom tightly. As he greeted her.

"My son. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine". He smiled.

Food and drinks were served to him.
I left to go see my family members.

Brother Aliyu first.
I gave him a tight hug.
"Thank you. Thank you". I thanked him.

"Your happiness is all I want". He smiled.

"So Are you happy there?"

"I just got there yesterday. I can't say anything".

"Okay but if you feel any discomfort please let me know".
I smiled at him.

Smiling became my favorite thing.

At Malam's place.

"I don't want to waste your time.
Mubarak!" He called out.

"Naam". He replied.

"Salma is nothing but your wife. You are the controller of her life. You are the remote and she is the TV. Kar ka sake. Kar ka kuskura ka Bari ta Raina ka. Duk Yanda kayi da ita shine dai dai dai.  . ."

Why is Malam saying this?  Is this man my father? Tears began to drop. 

"And you Salma. This is your husband. I don't want to ever hear any complain I don't even want to see you in this house I don't permit you In. Are you listening?" 

I nodded my head.

Sai da safe(good night). he left.

I have been crying from the house. He wasn't even paying attention.

We stopped at a place.

A lady was standing.

"Go sit at the back". He looked at me.

"But..... " I said.

"No arguments". He interrupted.

I got down with my cold body and went to the back seat.

"Muahh". She kissed him.

"What!" My heart almost got off my chest. What did I just see? 

He looked back at me.

I lowered my face.

"Meet Ammi . The love of my life". He smiled.
"Nice to meet you". She stretched out her hands for a handshake.

I eyed her.

"Okay". She pulled her hand back.

They were talking about the previous night and so on.

"Oh, Allah.  What has Malam done to me?  I am doomed". I cried as I lay my head on the bed.

Didn't know when I slept off

It's kind of boring but the next chappy will be hot!

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