chapter 12

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"You are in safe hands do not panic". He held my hands.

I removed my hands immediately.

"I'm still married". I remembered.

"Why ain't you safe with me?" He furrowed.


It's a dream. I woke up with my head all in pain. A special body pain. I opened my eyes slowly........ 

"OMG". I sat up immediately remembering I'm no more in Bauchi. I am in an unknown place.

"Where could this be?" I looked around the big room. "Why do I have a drip? Bandage too". I touched my head.

I recalled last night's incidents.

"Are you okay madam?" A lady asked.

That was when I noticed someone sitting beside me.

"Yes". I nodded my head.

"I'll go inform the boss that you are up". She left.

I rested my back on the pillow.

This room is so beautiful. Hope I haven't fallen into the hands of a kidnapper or higher killers. I had bad thoughts.

"The boss is here". The lady came in.
I closed my eyes.

I heard some steps moving toward the bed.

"What is a pregnant woman looking for at that time of the night and on the road and in front of my car?" A cool voice spoke.

Did I just hear pregnant? I opened my eyes immediately.

Opening my eyes I met with the sun. It kept on shining on my face. What am I even saying?

"OMG. My heart, my soul, my body. God....." I said rubbish in my heart.

He is tall, with a pink lip with his masculine body. One of his hands In his pocket and the other demonstrating.

I opened my eyes wide and opened my mouth.

I couldn't close it. I'm lost in my thoughts.

"Hello". He waved at me.

"Usman Lukman shagari" I called out.

"Yes. I am. Now answer me".

I looked at him as he spoke.

"Where is your husband? What were you doing at that time of the night?" he asked.

I remembered Mubarak. That wicked monster.

"I'm a divorcee". I lied as tears dropped.

"Shitt!" he said sitting on the bed. "So sorry. What about your parents?".

"They are late". I lied too.

"Oh no.  May their soul rest in peace". He prayed.

"What is your name?". He asked.

"Salma Habibu Arfa". I answered.

"The same one from Bauchi? He is still alive".

"He is not. Yes, I'm from Bauchi but not him".

"The doctor said you should rest. You have to rest because of your condition. I'm sure you know that you are 2 months pregnant".

"Pregnant!" My started beating.

"Yes, why surprised?"

I looked at him.

"This is Hannatu. Talk to her if you need anything". He explained. "Now get some rest". He left.

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