chapter 10

46 11 1

Good day everyone.
Using this opportunity to thank you all for giving this story a piece of your time. I appreciate it.


I froze for a second.

"He is calling you." Billy tapped me.

"I'll join you  shortly." I smiled as I went inside. Honestly, my legs are shaking. I can't even climb the stairs.
"Salma. Calm down." I paused as I continued walking.

"I'm here. "I spoke.


I sat.

He came closer.

"You are scared. Why?"

"I'm not. "I said calmly.

"You are shivering". He said.

"I'm not." I pretended.

"Let me see your hands. He grabbed my hand. Your wound is healing". He smiled.

"You are an obedient girl." He began peeling the wound.

"Mubarak. You are hurting me. "I tried removing my hand.

"Does it hurt? "

I nodded my head.

"That how it hurts me whenever I see you in this house. You took away my place in my sister's heart. She praises you every minute.Eeeeeyyyyeeewww.  he said angrily as he releases my hand. "

"Mubarak. Please stop hurting me. You can kill me if you want so that I can rest. "I cried.

"I wish I could." He shouted. "The only reason I'll keep you alive is because of my sister."

"What have I done to you? What did I do to deserve this?"

"Don't ever question me. "He gave me a slap that made me land on the floor.

"Get up. "He helped me up.

"Ammi will be back tomorrow so I want you to tidy up her room."


"Yes. "I replied.

I wiped off my face in the corridor as I walked to Ammi's room.

Her room is the real definition of the dustbin.

"What the hell!" I shouted.

"OMG. A human lives here?"
"Is she a human or a pig". I said surprisingly.
"Where do I start." I scratched my head.
"A heap of dirty clothes on one Conner of the room. Pack of cigarettes everywhere.Does Ammi smokes? Chir. What do you expect from a prostitute?" I said in my mind as I laughed.

Her wardrobe is scattered.
Her bedsheet looks like she has been using it for 10 years.

Her bathroom stinks.

"OMG. I closed my face with my palms.

"I have been looking for you everywhere. "Billy came in.

"Me. Why? "

"Aunty your house is so big that I can't stay alone for long. "She laughed.

I smiled back at her.

"Don't tell me that this room belongs to you." she looked around.

"No, no, no way. It's not."

"Whose room then?"

"Ammi's room." It came in a rush. I didn't know when I said that.

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