chapter 6 (The reality)

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Splashes of water on my face. I thought I was dreaming until it continued.

I open my eyes immediately.

"You". I frowned at that stupid lady I met yesterday.

"Yes me". She smiled.

"Why did you splash water on my face". I sat up.

"I'm hungry and I need you to make me breakfast".

"Excuse me". I blinked my eyes.

"Yes. I am hungry. "

"I'm sure you know the way to the kitchen". I raised an eyebrow.

She left in anger.

Imagine this stupid lady telling me to go make her breakfast when I am not her maid.

Thank God she woke me up. It's 7 o'clock
Gosshh. I can't believe that I missed Fajr.

I quickly performed ablution and prayed. I prayed for a better life and this complicated drama should come to an end because I don't even know who Ammi is.

I had a cold shower and dressed up. A message came in.

' you forgot your best friend .khadijah sent.

I smiled.

' How can I? I'm sorry I'll call you if I get a chance'. I replied.

In the living room.

The stupid lady was sitting on my husband's lap crying. I felt like killing her. OMG!

I did as if I didn't see them as I passed to leave for the kitchen.

"Come back here". Mubarak stopped me.

I turned back.

He stood up and came close to me.
He grabbed my jaw.

I closed my eyes because of the pain.

"Look! Lady. Ammi is the loml,  whatever decision she makes in this house is final. Do you hear me?"

I nodded my head as a yes.

"Why didn't you prepare breakfast for her when she came to you earlier". He released my jaw.

Tears were rushing out like a flowing river.

"I'm talking to you. He screamed.

"I was. I was..... I began stammering.

"You were? Take note". He pointed out a finger. "I don't joke with Ammi. Got it? "

I nodded my head.

Go prepare breakfast.

"Ammi what should she make?" He turned to look at her.

"Plantain, chips, and egg are okay".

"Did you hear her? He looked at me.

"Baby. She called out to him.

"Yes, my love. He looked back at her.

"With an orange juice. She smiled at him.

He looked at me giving me a sign to leave.

I ran to the kitchen.

This time my heart is on the edge of coming out. Me cooking for a lady. Who is she? His sister never mentioned that he had once gotten married. That means she is his girlfriend. I cried as I cook. I don't want to waste time so that I won't get scolded.

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