chapter 22

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I dragged my body downstairs to the guest room where Sister Mabruka stayed.
I met her packing her bags.

"Hi". I waved standing by the door side.

"Hello. Why are you standing there? Come in". She wiped off her tears faking a smile.

I walked inside and then sat on the bed.

"Have you been crying?"

"No, no. I wasn't... Something got into my eyes". She pretended.

"Okay". I smiled. "Why are you packing your bags? "

"I shared the news with my brother earlier. He is in a very bad state". I have to be with him. She kept on folding her wears.

"What news? "

"I told him you will never come back to him". She closed her mouth with her palms trying not to create a sound as tears rushed down . He collapsed after hearing it". She ended.

"Why did you tell him?"

"Sooner or later. He will have to learn to live without you". She sat on the bed.

"Who sent you?. Who told you I won't be with him? I love him and will go back with you to Bauchi". I cried.

"What! Are you coming with me?"

"Yes. I am. "

She hugged me. She wiped off my tears immediately after we broke the hug.

"We will inform MA tonight so that we can leave tomorrow." I smiled.

"Let's go". She held my hands as we left.

MA was having a chat with Pinky before we entered. Pinky excused us.

"You guys are here". MA said.

"Yes". I smiled.

"What brings you?"

"I have decided that I'll go back to Mubarak". I blushed.

'OMG! That's sweet of you. I know you will make the right decision about going back to him."

"We are leaving tomorrow." Sister mabruka.

"So soon? "

"He is badly Ill. We need to be there before things get out of hand." She explained.

"Oh! Allah Ya bashi Lafiya. She prayed. That means I'll be going to Bauchi for the first time tomorrow."

"Are you coming with me?" I asked like an amazed little girl

"Yes. I will be taking my daughter back to her husband's house. "

We all laughed.

"Everyone should go to bed. Tomorrow is gonna be a stressful one." MA said.

"Good night. "I hugged her.

"Good night my daughter". She kissed my forehead.

She waved at Mabruka. We left.

I slept in Mabruka's room.

The next day.

I asked the driver to take me to Usman's office. We are to leave by 1.

I was ushered into his office by his secretary.

"Good day, sir." I greeted. I feel too lazy to stand so I sat before he requested.

"How are you?" He asked without even looking at me.

"I came to inform you that I'll be leaving for Bauchi today. "

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