chapter 8

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The doorbell rang.

I ran to get the door.

"sister mabruka" I hugged her.

"Good evening". A girl greeted.

"Morning". I smiled at her.

I carried the baby she was holding as the other boy hugged me.

"Cuties". I gave a compliment.
We walked to the living room.

"How is my baby doing? "Sister Mabruka asked.

"Which baby?" I asked.

"I know you and Mubarak are keeping the good news from me. Besides it's 3months already".

"There is nothing. We are not keeping anything from you".

"Are you sure? "

I nodded.

"What are your names? "

"I'm Nabil and she is baby Nabila."The little boy answered.

"Wow ".

"Nabil go inform your uncle upstairs that I'm around". Sister mabruka said.

"Right away". The boy left.

"Salma . Have got you a maid. I know this house is too big for you to take care of it alone".

I smiled at the girl.

"I am Bilkisu". The girl spoke.

"Uwlc". I smiled.

"And how is Mubarak? Hope there is no complain?"

A tear dropped." How can I tell you all what has been happening?" I said in my mind.

"What reason will she have to complain? "Mubarak came from behind us.

Muah. He kissed my lips.

"What! This guy is funny. What is he doing". I said in my mind as I stared at him in surprise.

"Have missed you, sis". He hugged her.

"Me too". She hugged him tighter.

"You guys don't want to give me a child". Sister mabruka.

"We are working on that. Right? " He looked at me.

I gave them a fake smile.

I'll go set the dining. I left.

Mubarak's pov.

"Do you see what I'm telling you? She is a very nice girl, very sweet". Sister mabruka said.

"Yes, she is". I gave her a fake smile.

"Nabila come here. I stretched out my hands to carry her...... Let's go and check on your aunt".

We moved to the kitchen.....

"You! I exclaimed as she turned around.

I moved closer.

"I'll kill you if you dare say anything to my sister". I squeezed her wrist.

"Ouch! She exclaimed in pain.

I can hear the door opening slowly so I grabbed her waist immediately.

"Baby why are you pushing me away. Let me kiss you". I pointed out my lips trying to kiss her.

"I gave her a kiss". I felt strange for a reason I don't know.

"Erm". Sister Mabruka cleared her throat from behind.

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