28| It's A...

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My fingers may be small but I can still wrap my Daddy around them.

The next day on set, Zach felt cheerful as well as eager. Not only were they wrapping up the season now, which would give him time to focus on other projects, but also he and Zara would be going to their appointment with Dr. James.

He was excited to know if they were having a boy, or girl, or any other. He didn't mind any gender, really, but of course, as a parent, he was damn curious to know every little detail of his baby. Perhaps it was magnified by the fact that it was only during the pregnancy that he would get to know things about their baby.

Zara and he haven't really talked about the Adoption stuff much; they were planning to around the fifth month or so. Even the thought of going through that process caused him to shudder. It was going to be incredibly difficult for them.

But he knew it was a necessary pain.

"Hey. You gonna leave early today, right?"

Zach looked up from the camera up at Ethan. He nodded. "Yeah. Got an appointment with Dr. James."

"You sure you want to know the gender?" he said softly. He had a sympathetic expression on his face as he took a seat next to him.

Zach was surprised at the question. "Of course. Why not?"

Ethan pressed his lips together, looking unsure. Then, he shrugged. "I don't know how to say this, man. Like--won't you feel, like sad and all? And what about Zara?"

Zach shook his head in confusion. "I don't understand. Why would we be sad?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?"

Both the men turned around to look at Blair, who held a pen and a diary in her hands, in which she wrote furiously. She was the only script supervisor on the set today, instead of two, and it showed. Her usually well-brushed hair was resting in a messy bun on top of her head.

There was a little fake blood on her wrist too, and her cheeks were red and puffy.

She stopped writing for a minute to talk to them. "You guys will get to know if it's a boy or a girl, then you'll imagine boy clothes, girl clothes, then you'll think of potential names and this and that. There will be so many scenarios in your head that will take you both to cloud nine but then there's me who is already reminding you that you're giving up your baby for adoption and getting attached to it is only going to hurt both of you, even more, when the time comes. So. You sure you wanna know the gender now?"

Her little rant left Zach dumbstruck. He hadn't thought this far. But now that Blair had put the idea into his head, he knew he was in deep shit. She was right. This was going to be more painful if they got to know more details about their baby.

But he wanted to know the gender so bad, he couldn't help but ignore her voice of reason. He just nodded at her in understanding, and said, "I'll think about this."

She gave him a supportive smile and left.

Maybe Ethan sensed that Zach didn't want to keep thinking about this, so he changed the topic. "So. Have you talked to your agent about other projects?"

Zach released a sigh and rolled his shoulders to relieve them of some tension. "Uh, no, not yet. I can't go anywhere outside of Boston for the next five months so I don't know, I'll talk to her sometime soon."

"Blair's already got two offers."

Zach smiled. "Why am I not surprised?"

Blair had always been very talented in her work and it showed. Always at the top of her class, her assignments were nothing short of awe-inducing reactions. She'd been the first in their circle to land a job and was also the wealthiest between the four of them; Ethan, Zach, Sasha, and her.

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