10| Tough Times

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This chapter to dedicated to you, Bibliophile, for being an awesome politics discussion partner to me. You're one of those smart and intelligent people I know. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.


Some people cross your path and change the whole direction.

Zach was on the edge ever since he and Zara talked about her pregnancy to which he's responsible of. She had said that she would call him when she's made her decision. It's been three days now and she hasn't called yet.

He was growing impatient to know what her decision is. He was tempted to call her once or twice, but the wiser part of him knew he needed to give the woman her space. It was a big decision. She was probably freaking out about this.

Hell, he was, and he wasn't the one who would have to, if the decision made, push out a small human out of his dick. It would be her. So he controlled himself and thought that he would only call her if she didn't in a week or so. Otherwise he would seem uninterested, which was so not the case.

He had meant it when he said he would be there with her whatever happens, but he was scared shitless. Sure, he loved babies, and wanted some of his own one day, but this caught him completely off guard. He didn't love Zara, dammit, he barely even knew her, and a child is something parents need to think very through.

He was on the set, having his lunch break along with Ethan and Blair. He had told the two of them about what happened, and they were taking it surprisingly well. They said there's no need to fret over things when they're not even sure that Zach's going to become a father or not.

Zach was in the middle of his lunch when his phone rang. He hastily took it out of his pocket, afraid it might be Zara. And it was. He stood up and walked a little away from others. Keeping himself as calm as possible, he answered the call. "Hey."

Zara's soft voice replied, "Hi."

"How are you?"

"Oh, um, I've...I've been better. Listen, can we meet? I've made my decision."

Fuck! "Yeah, sure. Same place like last time?", he was very eager to know her answer, but unnerved too. She told him her working hours end at five in the evening, and they can meet anytime after that. Zach was thankful that today's shoot was almost over, only three or four more hours to go.

It was settled that they would meet at six in the evening, just like the last time. Zach went back to their table to resume his lunch. Ethan and Blair looked at him expectedly. "Was it Zara?", Blair asked.

Zach exhaled. "Yeah, she's made her decision. She'll tell me when we meet later today."

"What if she wants to keep it? You think you can handle that?"

He sighed. He didn't know if he could handle that. "I'm not sure, man. If she keeps it, then I'll be there to support her. I mean, I know what it feels like to grow up without a parent, it's horrible, and I would never do that to my child, planned and wanted or not."

Blair hummed in agreement. "You're doing the right thing, Zach. A father should be involved. I'm sorry it's this way, but life happens, so you'll have to get over it.", she shrugged. "Besides, she may even want to abort it."

Ethan glanced at his fiancé. "Aborting a child is not easy either."

Blair nodded. "Of course it isn't. But if the child won't have parents who're not even ready for it, mentally, financially, etc., then what's the point? It's a wise decision in a long run."

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