The Crossroad (part2)

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******* TEAM'S POV *******

"N'Win, is a very caring person and he takes really good care of his nongs.... Right, N'Team?" P'Pruk suddenly asked which totally freaked me out.

I was still staring at Hia's back when P'Pruk suddenly dropped that question and I am sure he have caught me staring at him.

"Oh holy shit!?!!" I mentally cursed and just nodded my head.

P'Pruk smiled at me weirdly but I just pretended not to notice it cause I am afraid for whatever it is he is thinking right now.

"I envy you, Ai Team for being close to P'Win. I'd love to be spoiled by him." one of our teammate said.

"Hey! He is not spoiling me!" I hysterically said almost shouting.

I felt like my face suddenly become hot and my heart was beating wild.

"Well actually in some way I think P'Win really is kind of spoiling you a little..." Ai Pond stated which I obviously denied.

"If you can call his teasing and way of annoying me as spoiling me as what you say, then I don't have anything else to say. As if you guys were not aware of how we almost bicker every single time..." I tried to reason out although I am actually not convinced myself.

Looking back especially how he treated me yesterday, I can only admit that they are actually telling the truth. 

I hate to admit it but Hia is one way or another indeed spoiling me.

But I think I kind of hate it more to admit that I felt too delighted and that I was even craving for more.

"Nong, you sure you are feeling better already? You still look a little pale?" one senior asked. 

"Great! Just great!! I think I am acting too oblivous?!" I thought to myself.

"I'm fine Phi." I answered briefly and saw at the side of my eyes that P'Pruk have this little teasing grin on his face but I decided to not look at him directly afraid that he might be able to read me more.

"Guys, take a sit. We'll start the bonfire party now." P'Dean suddenly announced.

Fortunately, I was able to escape being teased. I don't want them to notice how much me and Hia have gone closer the past days cause I don't really want anyone of them to have something to tease me back. I don't want them to see my weak side and I just wanted them to continue looking at me as "trouble Team" as how they often call me. 

I don't know what is P'pruk thinking or why does it seem like he knows something that the others don't or why does it feel like he is particularly teasing me without feeding the others so much information... All I know is I am feeling nervous that he might have noticed something and can see right through me.

I was still lost in my thoughts when someone placed his arms on my shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" Pond asked worriedly.

"Yeah..." I answered and smiled thinly.

"You keep spacing out." Pond said.

"I'm okay... I'm just still sleepy I guess..." I lied.

"Maybe it's better for you not to stay here. I think they can understand that you still need to rest." Pond said and he really did sound worried.

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