The Inception

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Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting!!

12,700+ Reads and 700 Votes as of July 12, 2020!!!

13,400+ Reads and 739 Votes as of July 18, 2020!!!!

I'm so sorry for not being able to update soon  T^T

Most Impressive Ranking

#1 Teamwin  -  08/02/2020

#1 Teamwin - 08/03/2020

#1 Teamwin - 08/04/2020


***** TEAM'S POV *****

As soon as we arrived at the resort, we were immediately briefed as to who will be sharing rooms with each other. Fortunately, Pond and me, together with four other members I am  familiar with, were assigned as roommates so I won't totally feel awkward. It's not like I am not in good terms with the others but I just prefer to have someone I am really comfortable with near me specially since I can never tell whether I'd be able to have a peaceful sleep or I won't be even get to sleep or worst might have nightmares again.
The seniors instructed us to settle our things first in our respective rooms but we will have to assemble again after 15 minutes as everyone will eat "late breakfast but early lunch" together. Everyone was feeling energetic as they enjoy munching their foods while I just eat comfortably in silence as I keep watching them.
"N'Team, are you okay? Is there something wrong?" P'Pruk who was sitting a little far from where I am sitting suddenly asked. 

  "Oh right.. What's wrong with you, Ai'Team? You were also quiet all throughout the bus ride earlier..." Ai'Pond added.

"I am fine..." I answered as I looked at Pond and towards P'Pruk's direction where I got to meet Hia Win's gaze. Although he tried to act normal, his eyes still shows that he is worried about me.

"Nothing's wrong, I swear. I  am just tired and maybe a little hungry. Hehe.." I said and laughed a little before I looked back at P'Pruk trying to assure them that I am doing fine.

"If you are not feeling well or something, please don't hesitate to tell me, okay?" P'Pruk said who seemed not convinced with my alibi.

I just nodded as response cause I can't bring myself to look at them specially since I can somehow feel that Hia Win is still staring intently at me.

After every one finished eating, P'Dean announced that they are giving us one hour and thirty minutes free time first so we can either take the time to rest or to roam around the place as they set up all the things they need to arrange for all the activities later.

Everyone was really looking forward to the activities while I was still a little feeling nervous for the activities that we must do at the sea. I can already imagine how hyper Ai'Pond will be at the room so I decided to walk around for a while before heading back to our room to try to make my self familiarize with the place.

The view of the beach was really beautiful but the sound of the waves still makes me feel nervous within me. I tried to relax and not think too much but I am still feeling uneasy.


"Oh fuck... I guess I shouldn't really have come here! I don't think I can ever calm down at this state..." I said to myself as I heaved a long sigh.

I just continued walking aimlessly without realizing that I have already been too far from the place we have rented. I only noticed when I realized that the surrounding have became a lot way quiet only to find out that there is almost no people hanging out here.

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