The Wake-up Call (Win)

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Author's Note:

I sincerely apologize for not updating for almost a month. I have been stressed out the past weeks  due to work stuffs triggered by this Covid19 Pandemic plus all my inconsiderate and unhelpful workmates. Oops. Sorry for the rant..

I hope everyone is doing well and is healthy right now. 

Thank you so much again to you my dear KarinNC54. You don't know how much you have motivated me to get back on track.  Although this is just short, I still hope you will like this update.



Win woke up as soon as his alarm started to snooze and a smile automatically appeared in his face even though his eyes are still half closed. He feels surprisingly so refreshed despite not getting enough sleep.

He tried to stretched out a little as he move around his bed still with his eyes closed until he suddenly realized that there is supposed to be someone sleeping beside him. He immediately opened his eyes and looked for that person everywhere in his room but he is nowhere to be found.

"Arai wa~ He just left like that?!" Win said to himself feeling disappointed that the nong left without telling him and without even informing him through text.

He headed to the kitchen to drink warm water and made a cup of coffee just like his normal daily routine. He was not aware that he was smiling brightly thinking of Team's peaceful sleeping face.

"Oh God, that kid look so freaking more cute when he is asleep! Actually, he also look pretty and his face was so smooth." he blurted out.

"What the?!?!?! What am I thinking?!" he tried to erase the thoughts and went to the refrigerator to check what he can cook for his breakfast when he noticed a note posted on it.


Thank you for the food, for playing with me and for letting me sleep here.

I'm sorry for troubling you too much last night and sorry again for leaving

without waking you up.


"AHHH FUCK! He is so freaking cute!!" Win said to himself while smiling like there's no tomorrow as he keep staring at the note like it was a very special letter. This is the first time he actually felt warmed after receiving a letter though it was just a simple note.

He decided to have toasted bread with fried bacon and egg for his breakfast and while he was cooking the smile was still plastered on his face especially after remembering how Team suddenly hugged and sniffed him last night.

--- Flashback ---

Win was already sleeping when he heard Team making some strange noises like he was talking to someone in his sleep and he was actually moving weirdly so he decided to wake him up but Team won't wake up. He heard Team saying the word "help" over and over again. It seems like Team was having a bad dream but it doesn't look that bad to be a nightmare so he just decided to let him sleep.

"Ssshh... It's okay, Team. I'm right here." Win said as he tried to calm him by stroking his hair and at the same time gently rubbing one of his hands.

Fortunately, Team calmed down soon enough. Win positioned himself lying sideways, facing Team. He closely watched the nong's face as if he was trying to memorize every detail on it unknowingly. Unknowingly, he was fascinated again by the nong's peaceful sleeping face that he hated it when Team's brows suddenly knitted and it seems like he is again having a bad dream. He lightly massaged his brows using his fingers and it kind of made him relax in his sleep again.

"How I wish I know what is causing you to have this bad dream. I also hope to see you stop trying to pretend to be a happy go lucky when clearly you are going through something. Team, please let me be able to help you. Fun dee na krub" Win whispered softly before he decided to face the other side of the bed.

Win was again about to drift off when Team suddenly moved closer to him. The nong suddenly buried his face on his back and hugged him tight. He was stunned at first so he decided to face him and check if the nong was aware of what he was doing. As soon as he saw his face which look more calmer and actually kind of happier than earlier, his heart felt so warm and it made him feel happy too so he just let the nong hug him.

Team then suddenly snuggled his face between his neck and his shoulder which made him feel like his heart skipped a beat before it started palpitating wildly. To make it worse, the nong suddenly sniffed his neck not just once but several times in a row.

"Fuccccck~ It tickles. Stop that, Team. Please!" Win pleaded softly trying to stop him from doing it but at the same time doesn't have the heart to disrupt the nong's sleep.

"What a nice smell~ hmmmm you smell so much nicer tonight." The sleeping Team said after sniffing again for the nth time. Win is having a hard time already because he is really not used to letting someone cuddle him to sleep so he tried to take Team's hands away from him.

"Hmmm... Cold~ Too cold!" Team moaned as he hugged Win's arm tight making it harder for Win. The nong's moan almost right at his ear sent a tingling sensation all over his body making him feel hot.

"Holy fuck!! Why are you doing this to me?!? Damn! Are you freaking tempting me?! Why are you such a tease!?!?" Win frustratingly whispered feeling tortured because he is not used to this feeling of wanting to be intimate or touchy to someone.

Win had to strongly fight the urge to do anything to the nong because he is afraid that he won't be able to stop himself nor feel contented by just simply hugging him or returning whatever the nong is doing to him.

Team literally is like a giant temptation right now and in fact, the first temptation that Win can't seem to resist. His gorgeous face and his sexy rose-colored plump lips were already too much for him in the first place no matter how much he denies it.

Win can only either let out a sigh or hold his breath every time the nong try to squeeze his body more or whenever he snug his face further that he can already feel the nong's nose and lips against his neck. He just can't let his guard down tonight specifically if he wants to continue whatever is this connection between him and Team that have already started to expand. Furthermore, he doesn't want to scare the innocent and vulnerable kid as well.

--- End of Flashback ---

"Why do I feel these weird feelings within me?! He is just an adorable kid but for it makes me wonder why do I even adore him this much as well." Win thought to himself as he continued eating his breakfast.

Win is actually debating within him if he is actually feeling too attached to Team just because in his eyes he looks like a charming little kid that needs a Phi that will act as his protector or maybe because he can see his younger sibling in him or also maybe because Team has actually been letting him feel new sensations within him and even making him rediscover a side of him that he have long forgotten. He thought that he will never be the one to initiate and exert effort to get to know someone again especially after feeling deeply hurt when he lost his special friend three years ago but strangely Team managed to make him curious enough about him that he just found himself approaching him first.

"Oh fuck... what the hell am I thinking?!? Why am I even remembering him when he just left me without saying even saying goodbye? Why can't I also take Team off my mind nowadays?!? Arghhh!! I must be losing my mind with all the stress with school related stuffs besides being troubled a lot by Team's mysterious side. I think I gotta have some fun tonight with the gang to rejuvenate. I need to unwind!" Win declared.

2.5K Reads and 153 Votes as of April 15, 2020

4.15k Reads and 204 Votes as of May 10, 2020

Thank you so much for reading!!
Please vote and comment too if you liked it to give me more motivation 😭😭😂🤣

(1,321 words only... sorry this is short T_T)

I've Never Been This CloseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang