Turning Point

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******* WIN'S POV *******
Team and I, stayed still in our position for quite some time.
His arms are still wrapped around my waist and his hands are tightly gripping on my shirt as if he is so afraid to let go of me. His face is still firmly pressed on my neck maybe because he doesn't want me to see his crying face.
I can tell that he is still silently crying as I can still feel his body shivering.
I just kept on rubbing his back to comfort him and continue making him feel assured that he can let out all his emotions on me.
"H-hia..." he softly said and I just hummed as response.
"I... I...." he stammered again.
"Sssh... It's okay... Don't force yourself to talk if you're still not ready..." I said as gentle as I can as my attempt to make him be able to calm down.
Gladly he did stopped trying to force himself to talk however he tighten the way he is gripping on my shirt.
I used my other hand to carefully caressed his hair and somehow it seem effective because soon enough he started to relax his arms.
After a while, I felt his body relaxed more and his breathing seem to have also normalized.
I felt him let out a sigh as his breathe kind of made me feel ticklish.
"Hia.... I was scared... I was so scared earlier..." he said almost like a whisper.
"I know, Team... I know... and honestly I was scared too.." I replied softly.
"But don't think too much... it's okay cause there's nothing wrong with feeling scared...." I continued.
"It's the first time... I was scared..." he mumbled.

"For the first time ever in my life, I felt so scared to die. For the first time I wanted to fight to live..." he honestly confessed.
Now I understand more why he was struggling to say the words out. It must have been hard for him to acknowledge what he felt. I bet he is feeling emotionally overwhelmed at the moment too.
But I must admit that I suddenly feel happy with his confession because I believe it's definitely a good sign. It makes me feel proud that it seems like he now started to value his life.
"I've never felt like this before, Hia.... I didn't even imagine that a time will come that I will not want to just die and disappear in this world." he continued while still silently crying.
"Thank you, Hia..." he said almost like a whisper before he suddenly moved his arms toward my neck.
It seems like my body froze cause he was hugging my neck so tight.
He then rubbed his face on my neck sending shivers on my whole body.
"That's good, Team... You are doing great..." I said  as I continue  to cheer him up.
I gently pushed him out of the hug because I want to look at his face.
I held on his chin and lift his head to make him look at my eyes too.
"Your Granny must be proud of you right now, Team." I added.
"How I wish she is still here... I want to hug her so bad, Hia..." he weakly said and his eyes have again became watery.
"It's okay... I'm pretty sure she is watching over you wherever she is right now." I said while I gently caress his face to console him.
"But I want her now... I need her here... I want her to be beside me... I need her warmth..." Team said slowly as tears kept on flowing from his eyes.
"She might no longer be physically here with you but I am sure she is still guarding you up there. She is now like your guardian angel..." I replied as I wipe away the tears on his face.
"I just miss Granny so bad... I want to hug her tight..." he sadly said.
"I know your Granny can never be replaced. I know I can never be as warm as her but I am right here beside you, I can be her substitute for now. I can hug you to sleep all night and you can just imagine me as her. Maybe it can somehow make you feel even a little bit better." I offered.
"Thank you, Hia..." he replied.
It took a whole before he responded to me. I know it might not be a good offer but I still have to ask cause I am more than willing to do anything that can help him feel better.
"Thank you for everything.. " he continued almost inaudible before he suddenly pressed his head on my chest.
"I owe you a lot..." he added.
"You don't owe me any thing... I am happy to help you in  any way that I can." I replied as I gently petted his hair.
"Stop crying now and let's lie down for you to be able to to get some rest." I added and fortunately he obliged.
We lied down side by side. I covered him with a blanket before I snaked my arm under his neck and he immediately scooted his body closer to mine.
He then placed his head over my chest before hugging me tight.
"Please just let me sleep like this, Hia..." he requested.
"Sleep well, Team." I answered as I hugged him back.

Soon after it seems that Team have already fallen asleep.

I gently brushed away some of his hair strands covering his face.

I felt  relieved seeing his peaceful sleeping face.

"Thank you for trusting me, Team... I promise from now on, I will always stay close to take care of you." I softly whispered before I planted a kiss on his temple.

I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard Team murmuring some words I cannot understand.

"Is he having nightmares?" I thought to myself.

"Team~ wake up..." I whispered as I try to wake him up but it seems that he seems to be just having a normal dream.

His face seems calm and he kinda looks even smiling so I decided to just observe him.

"Thank you , Granny... I love you so much..." I heard him say almost like a whisper.

I felt him tightened his fist holding on to my shirt. 

His face have already started to show a sour expression so I hurriedly held his hand on top of my chest holding tight on my shirt.

"It's okay, Team... I'm right here with you..." I softly said as I rub his hand lightly to make him feel assured that he will be okay.

"I... don't want to be alone..." he lowly mumbled in his sleep.    

I delicately pulled his body more closer to me and I enfolded him with of my arms.

"You will never be alone again. You have me now." I softly said.

I don't know if he is awake or if he heard me but he pressed his face closer to my neck and he have also hugged me back tightly.


Originally published: November 19, 2020

Revised: January 3, 2021

1,185 words only

Thank you to those who have been patiently waiting for me and thank you also to those who have been a great source of motivation of mine. THANK YOU FOR LEAVING WARM AND NICE MESSAGES / COMMENTS... You guys know who you but I just have to specifically mention these two, @Alanaq3030  and @YohjiKudoh. Thank you from the bottom of my heart TT^TT

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